- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球战略平衡和稳定。
- David's house is quite close to the Global Theater. 大卫的家离环球剧院很近。
- global WAP 全球通WAP
- All the countries united to fight global recession. 所有的国家团结一致对抗全球性的不景气。
- WAP Push realization source code! 实现源码!
- How does WAP relate to standardization bodies? WAP和标准化主体有什么联系?
- For all information on the open source WAP gateway. 以获得关于开放源代码WAP网关的所有资料。
- Are the WAP settings for your phone correct? 电话的WAP设定正确吗?
- What are the benefits of UPS WAP Tracking? UPS WAP追踪有哪些优点?
- What are the charges for UPS WAP Tracking? UPS WAP追踪要付费吗?
- What kind of WAP phone is secure? 何种WAP手机比较安全?
- Rain. Perfect. Net - Archiver - WAP. 联系我们-雨之完美。
- WAP emerged under the second concept. WAP(Wireless Application Protocol,无线应用协议)便是在第二种概念下应运而生。
- WAP support for the stock prices. 支持股票行情WAP查询。
- WAP is new technology for your mobile phone. WAP是为手机设计的新技术。
- Let's brainstorm about how to solve global warming. 让我们献计献策看怎样解决全球变暖问题。
- Global agrochemical sales to grow? 全球农用化学品销售会上升吗?
- Global leader needs to be high on CQ! 全球性的领导必须有高‘文商’!
- I got obsessed with an idea I called Global Motors. 我老是盘算着搞一个自己的环球汽车公司。
- Stocks dive on belief global recession is at hand. 市场信心跳水,全球经济衰退在眼前.