- glassblower mouth disease 吹玻璃工人口病
- What haw is brothers mouth disease? 手足口病是什么呃?
- Foot- and - mouth disease has become a hot topic of gossip. 口蹄疫成了街谈巷议的热门话题。
- Is gum the symptom of brothers mouth disease frothily? 牙龈起泡是手足口病的症状吗?
- How is brothers mouth disease caused? What is its symptom? ? 手足口病是怎样引起的?它的症状是什么??
- The human disease is also known as hand, foot and mouth disease, while the cloven-hoofed animal version is also called hoof-and-mouth disease. 人感染者中病也称作手足口病,而偶蹄类动物感染此病称为口蹄疫。
- Farmers in Englandhave been worried about foot and mouth disease among their cows. 英格兰的农民们很担忧口蹄疫在他们的牲畜中蔓延。
- So experts say the outbreak of foot and mouth disease could be over by the end of the week if no new cases are found. 专家认为如果本周还没有新的病例发现,就说明口蹄疫已经得到了抑制。
- Cause: foot and mouth disease (aftosa) or rinderpest, or the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) disease areas. 原因:属口蹄疫或牛瘟或牛海绵状脑病(疯牛病)疫区。
- Brothers mouth disease spreads wantonly, do you know how to prevent and how prevent and be treated? 手足口病大肆蔓延,你知道如何预防和治疗吗?
- What does the symptom of brothers mouth disease have? Why how is pupil compared is brothers mouth illy? 手足口病的症状有哪些?为什么小学生得手足口病比较多?
- Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a human syndrome caused by intestinal viruses of the Picornaviridae family. 此病在**中不常见,因为成年人已经有足够强大的免疫系统来抵御病毒的侵袭;
- Farmers in England have been worried about foot and mouth disease among their calves (cows). 英国的农民为在牛群中传播的口蹄疫疫情担忧。
- Daughter trunk small measles is scratchy but be caught to defeat a skin by the hand, can you be brothers mouth disease? 女儿躯干小疹子发痒但是被手抓破皮,会是手足口病吗?
- Methods EV71 RNA was tested by RT-PCR in 79 fecal samples of infants with hand foot and mouth disease. 方法应用RT-PCR对79份疑似肠道病毒感染者的粪便标本进行肠道病毒71型RNA检测。
- What distinction do the measles with common dot and brothers mouth disease have? 小孩子普通的风疹和手足口病有什么区别?
- It provides them with information about mouth diseases and health care. 它为人们提供有关口腔疾病和健康保健的信息。
- Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is present worldwide, in virtually all countries. 手足口病是全球性传染疾病,几乎在所有的国家都有发生。
- Reason: belong to disease area of foot and mouth disease, small remasticate animal pestilence, sheep (goat) pox, bluetongue and ked itch disease. 原因:属口蹄疫或小反刍兽疫或绵(山)羊痘痘或蓝舌病或痒病疫区。