- Studies on Basic Mechanics Properties of Glass Block Masonry 玻璃砖砌体基本力学性能研究
- The main reason for the strength rising is the full-alignment of web-shells in N-type block masonry prisms. 分析表明,其强度提高的主要原因是N式砌块砌体实现了孔、肋对齐。
- The door, guns were used specifications Lane granite block masonry, so-called "stone fort. 大门、炮巷均采用规格花岗石块砌筑,因而俗称“石炮台”。
- Under the glass block,light is refracted on passing through the glass. 在玻璃棒下面,光穿过玻璃后发生折射。
- The BP model of artificial neural network is applied for the construction model of grouted block masonry instead of traditional methods in the paper. 利用反向传播神经网络(BP神经网络)的模拟能力来代替传统的方法,建立灌芯砌体的本构模型,对比模拟结果,并与传统方法进行比较。
- This paper deals with research test on the influential factors of horizontal mortar joint shear strength of shale ceramisite concrete hollow small block masonry. 摘要本试验对页岩陶粒砼小型砌块砌体在水平荷载作用下的承载能力进行了研究,试验做了三个砂浆等级三类砌体共计18个试件。
- Glass blocks are sometimes substituted for ordinary bricks. 玻璃砖有时被用来代替普通的砖。
- The toilet areas shall be provided with sufficient lighting, both natural and artificial, with the use of glass block partitions. 自然光与人造光并用,用玻璃砖间隔,保持厕内光线充足。
- The design of the runner system of an injection mould for a cellphone glass block was investigated based on the structural characteristic and quality requirement for the product. 根据手机镜片的结构特点、产品质量要求,结合注射模浇注系统设计的理论和生产实际经验,探讨了手机镜片注射模浇注系统的设计。
- The basement lights were shining up through the glass blocks on the pavements. 地下室的灯光通过玻璃区向上照在人行道上。
- composite small-sized concrete hollow block masonry 复合混凝土小型空心砌块
- Brick or Block masonry structure 砌体房屋
- Have a glass of beer to rinse your dinner down. 喝杯啤酒把你吃的晚饭冲下去。
- composite hollow concrete block masonry 复合混凝土空心砌块砌体
- reinforced concrete block masonry 配筋混凝土砌块
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- small hollow concrete block masonry 混凝土小型空心砌块
- If we take the light into consideration, we can use glass blocks to make the wall. 如果考虑采光的话,可以选用玻璃砖来做墙。
- small-size concrete hollow block masonry 小型空心砌块
- The Cause of aberration in glass block producing process is analysedthe methed of improving the white degree of the glass block and keeping their color stabilization are also discussed sed. 本文就玻璃空心砖生产过程中产生色差的原因进行了分析 ,并就如何提高玻璃空心砖的白度并保持颜色稳定进行了探讨