- On July 29th,2002,the Fourth E glass Furnace of CTG was Ignited. 2002年7月29日,公司举行第四条无碱玻纤池窑拉丝生产线点火仪式。
- On Dec,19th,2001,Taishan Fiberglass Inc,was inaugurated and the Third E glass furnace of CTG was ignited. 2001年12月19日,公司举行泰山玻璃纤维股份有限公司揭牌仪式暨第三条无碱玻纤池窑拉丝生产线点火仪式。
- It expoundes basic moving laws of furnace charge and gas from HC FeCr smelting in electric arc furnace. 论述了矿热炉冶炼高碳铬铁炉内炉料和炉气的基本运动规律。
- Tiejingfen processing, metallurgy furnace charge, civil building materials distribution. 铁精粉加工、冶金炉料、民用建材的经销。
- Guimeng chromium alloy, furnace charge ores, manganese residue rich production sales. 硅锰铬合金、炉料矿石、富锰渣的生产销售。
- The combustion method of combining oxy-fuel and air-fuel was adopted in a same glass furnace. 在燃烧方式上,采用了全氧和空气助燃混合燃烧;
- On March 9th,2001,the 15,000MT/year Direct-Melting E glass Furnace was Ignited in CTG. 2001年3月9日,公司举行1.;5万吨无碱玻纤池窑拉丝生产线点火仪式。
- On June 26th,2005,the Sixth E glass Furnace of CTG with production capacity 30,000MT/year was Ignited. 2005年6月26日,公司隆重举行了六线3万吨无碱玻纤池窑拉丝生产线技改项目点火仪式。
- The low purity of furnace charge and accessories and the improper smelting and pouring crafts were regarded as the formation reason of the oxide film. 同时,分析认为这种氧化膜的形成与金属炉料、铸造辅料的洁净度不够以及熔炼、浇注不合理有关。
- On March 28th,1997,the First 10,000MT/year Direct-Melting E glass Furnace in China was Ignited Successfully in CTG. 1997年3月28日,我国首条万吨无碱玻纤池窑拉丝生产线一次点火成功。
- On July, 26th, 2007. A New E glass Furnace with an Annual Production Capacity of 60,000MT was Ignited in CTG. 2007年7月26日,公司举行六万吨无碱玻纤池窑拉丝生产线点火仪式。
- Based on the actual production,analysis is made of theinfluence of furnace charge,burdening ratio and feed rate on Nb recovery in FeNb alloy production. 在阐述铌铁合金的制备方法、原料要求、工艺流程及技术指标的基础上,结合生产实际分析了铌铁合金生产中炉料、配料比、加料速度等因素对铌收率的影响。
- On Nov 18th,1994,the Foundation of the first 10,000MT/year Direct-Melting E glass Furnace in China was established in CTG. 1994年11月18日,举行我国首条万吨无碱玻纤池窑拉丝生产线奠基仪式。
- This article analyzed the domestic flat glass industry energy management,describes glass furnace thermal balance test and analyzes the test results. 该文浅析了我国平板玻璃工业能源管理,概述了玻璃熔窑的热平衡测试,并对测试结果作了解析。
- Corrosion during the furnace running and manmade damage during the furnace heating up and maintenances are the main dangerous factors for the glass furnace crown. 生产过程中的侵蚀损毁和烤窑维修过程中的人为损害是影响玻璃池窑碹顶安全的主要因素。
- ZHENGZHOU WESTERN WORLD METALLURGY FURNACE CHARGE LIMITED COMPANY (formerly Erqi Refractory Plant), located in the vast hinterland of the Central Plains -- beautiful western suburbs of Zhengzhou City, Henan Province will. 郑州市西洋冶金炉料有限公司(原郑州市二七耐火材料厂),位于广阔的中原腹地---美丽的河南省会郑州市西郊。
- Our business are involve in researching and designing of all kinds glass furnace,researching ,designing and developing of glass machinery,suppling of selfcontained refrectories. 涉及各种玻璃窑炉设计研究,玻璃机械设计研究开发,提供耐火材料配套等。
- This paper mainly investigate the Nu of differcnt state of Lamina convcction heat exchaiige in pipe and its ap plications in design of glass furnace heat exchanger. 本文主要分析了管内层流对流换热时两种不同情况下努谢尔特准数的数值及在换热器设计中的指导意义。
- By using the combustion assistance air with 27%oxygen, an oxygen-firing combustion chamber of a 400 ton/day oil-fueled floating glass furnace is simulated as a practical example. 文中以日产400吨燃油浮法玻璃熔窑为实例,以氧含量为27%25的空气作为助燃气体,对重油燃烧火焰空间进行模拟。
- HDZS-65 is used as glass contact refractory in alkali-free glass furnace: paving or sub-paving in melter bottom, forehearths, flow blocks and back-up blocks. 无碱玻璃窑玻璃接触部位:熔化池铺面砖及铺底亚层、通道壁及通道底、流槽砖、拉丝砖。还用于熔化池池壁背衬及通道背衬砖。