- gland of Haversian 哈弗腺
- Bump of mammary gland of how fast detumescence? 怎样快速消肿乳腺肿块?
- Beeswax is a kind of secretions from wax gland of worker bee. 蜂蜡是工蜂蜡腺的分泌物。
- Lacrimal gland of youth seem to be particularly well-developed. 青春的泪腺似乎特别发达。
- The endosteum lining the marrow cavity is therefore continuous with the endosteal linning of Haversian canals. 骨髓腔的骨内膜与骨组织中的管腔内膜也是相连续的(包括中央管)。
- Detail of Haversian system, showing the tiny, spidery canaliculi extending from one lacuna to the next. 高倍观察哈佛氏系统结构,可见如蜘蛛般结构的骨陷窝和骨小管彼此相连通。
- Section of compact ground bone - dry and unstained - showing cross-cuts of Haversian systems. 密质骨横切面--未染色--显示哈佛氏系统的端面。
- Great Wall will be launched the second half of the minimum displacement of 1.3L Haversian 1,1.3 L, 1.5L of Haversian 2. 下半年长城还将推出国内最小排量1.;3L的哈弗1,1
- Histological Observation on Adrenal Glands of ?Rhizomys sinensis? 中华竹鼠肾上腺的组织学观察
- The process of Haversian remodeling and regeneration was coupled in topography,time and size. 哈弗系统中央管腔内的成骨细胞与周围骨修复组织中的成骨细胞相联系。
- The relationship between radial distribution of Haversian canals and the stress status of on bone are analyzed. 对哈佛氏管径向分布规律与骨受力状态之间的关系作了分析。
- Conclusion CGRP may affect function of the adrenal gland of burned rats. 结论降钙素基因相关肽可能是烫伤大鼠肾上腺功能改变的影响因素之一。
- SEM indicated that the microstructure of Haversian system was destroyed under the impact of bone diagenesis. 其骨组织的显微结构分析指出,成岩作用业已严重破坏了骨骼的哈佛氏系统结构。
- Parafollicular cells were not observed in the thyroid gland of juvenile yak. 在幼龄牦牛甲状腺中未发现腺泡旁细胞。
- The orientation and length of Haversian canals and the connection are measured or calculated. 对三维模型进行测量、推算,得到了哈佛氏管走向、长度、微管连接密度等数据。
- There were significant differences in the shape, size, location, density of Haversian system, between human and animal bones. 人与狗、猪、牛、羊骨的哈氏系统在形状、大小、分布位置、均匀程度等方面存在明显差异;
- Inflammation of the thyroid gland. 甲状腺炎甲状腺发炎
- Fibrous material taken from the silk gland of a silkworm before it spins a cocoon, used for fishing tackle. 钓钩丝一种从结茧以前的蚕的丝腺中提取的纤维物质,用来作钓具
- The sweat gland of human being consists of eccrine gland and large sweat gland( apocrine gland) which is the root of body odor. 人体汗腺分小汗腺与大汗腺(浆腺)大汗腺是产生狐臭的根源。
- The doctor says my labium sees cyst of body of gland of one soybean volume, are excuse me such meeting influences pregnant? 医生说我下唇可见一黄豆大小腺体囊肿,请问这样会影响怀孕吗?