- gladly consent; readily agree 欣然同意
- They cannot readily agree to it. 他们不能对此马上作出应诺。
- Your comment they party will readily agree rather doubtful. 你方所称他们会欣然同意,这一点值得怀疑。
- Your comment that their party will readily agree is rather doubtful. 你方所称他们会欣然同意,这一点值得怀疑。
- He gladly consented to the extension of the loan. 他很乐意地同意延长贷款偿还期。
- However ,when we link their essays with the literary view of "art-for-life",we find Maodun readily agree Luxun. 把“为人生而艺术”的文学观联系到他们对小品文的思考上 ,茅盾欣然表示了对鲁迅的赞同。
- This may sound exaggerated, but on arriving in the High lands most people readily agree that the scenery is indeed magnificent. 这听起来似乎有些言过其实,但是见到高地的大部分人愿意承认那里的景色的确美不胜收。
- He told Ms.Chunn that Mrs.He would readily agree to adoption if the adoptive couple would allow weekly visits until Mrs.He became pregnant with another child.Mr.He also told Ms. 贺绍强告诉春女士:贺太已经准备同意把小贺梅让人领养,只要领养者同意在贺太怀上第二个小孩之前,允许他们每周探望小贺梅即可。
- gladly consent to their marriage 高兴地答应了他们的婚事
- The conference readily agreed and Bethune dealt with the work of each in turn. 会上大家立刻同意了他的建议,于是白求恩轮流批评了各人的工作。
- Nazarbayev readily agreed on limiting his control over nuclear weapons based in his republic. 纳扎尔巴耶夫1960年参加工作后,在卡拉干达冶金联合企业当过铸铁工、高炉炉工、调度员和工长等。
- He readily agreed to help us. 他欣然同意帮助我们。
- I agree with you, but yet I cannot consent. 我同意你的意见,但是我仍不能允诺。
- He readily agreed. 他痛快地答应了。
- She is glad to embosom his affection. 她喜悦地珍惜他的爱情。
- I agree with you, but yet I can't consent. 我同意你的意见, 但是我不能答应。
- It's almost impossible to agree on a unified basic price. 几乎不可能商定一个划一的基本价格。
- A priest must learn to be tolerant and always suffer fools gladly. 一个神父必须学会宽容和永远甘心容忍愚妄的人。
- I'm so glad I didn't agree to do it; it would have got me into serious trouble. 幸而我没同意做那事,要不然惹的麻烦就大了。
- Silence must not always be read as consent. 沉默不能总理解为同意。