- Glad I could help out. 很高兴能帮到你。
- Greg: No big deal. I was glad I could help. 葛雷格:小事一桩。很高兴能帮上忙。
- Maybe I could help out around Sona. 也许我能帮你越狱。
- I'm glad I could help. 很高兴我能帮忙。
- Mrs.Kingsley:I am happy we could help out. 我很高兴我们学校能够帮你的忙。
- Ok, I think a few of our experienced salesmen could help out. 我认为我们当中有些有经验的销售人员可以来帮忙.
- I'm glad I could meet all of you. You were very kind and helpful. 我很高兴见到您们大家,您们亲切又体贴。
- If You Could Help Out Seth Godin, Would You? 社会化营销可以从女性企业家学到什么?
- He asked me if I could help him. 他问我能不能帮助他。
- I wish I could help you, but I can't. 我想帮你,可惜不行。
- I wouldn't live there; well,not if I could help it. 我可不愿在那儿生活,嗳,要是有别的办法我才不住那儿呢。
- Is there anything I could help you with,sir? 先生,有什么能为您效劳吗?
- I really wish I could help but my hands are tied. 我的确想帮忙,但却多有不便。
- He came to me in the belief that I could help him. 他到我这里来,相信我能帮助他。
- I asked him if I could help, but be made no reply. 我问他我可否帮帮忙,他未置可否。
- If I had time, I could help you. 如果有时间我能帮你的忙。
- I dearly wish I could help, but alas, I am unable. =>我很希望我能帮上忙,但是,唉,我不行。
- Lee: I'm glad I could be your service, it has really been my pleasure. 很高兴能对您有所帮助,这真是我的荣幸。
- Is there anything I could help you with, sir? 先生,有什么能为您效劳吗?
- I wish I could help but I use iMac, sorry! 用尽旧镜微距能力,专人指导使用微距滤镜,拍尽微距世界!