- A datetime with the given year, month, and day at 00:00:00. 给定年、月、日的00:00:00的日期时间值。
- The total amount required to service a loan in a given year. 一年贷款服务收取的总额。
- Returns a datetime given year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. 返回给定年、月、日、小时、分钟和秒的日期时间。
- How many MCU units (EAU) do you estimate you would need in a given year? 您估计一年内你们公司需要用到的微控制器的量为多少?
- The gross national product (GNP) measures the total output of goods and services in a given year. 国民生产总值(gnp)标志着一年内生产出来的商品和服务的总和。
- Thus a marketing department might have a goal to accomplish sales of $20 million in a given year. 因此,一个商业部门在某一年份内可以具有一个达成销售额二千万美元的目标。
- The chances of such a storm hitting New Orleans in any given year are slight, but the danger is growing. 计算年中,暴风雨袭击新奥尔良的机会不多,但是危险却增大了。
- The application lists all the orders that each customer has issued in a given year. 该应用程序列出每个客户已在给定年份发出的所有定单。
- Farming is risky in that returns in any given year can be much above or below the average levels. 经营农业是有风险的,因为在任何一年里,农业收入都可能大大高于或低于平均收入水平。
- Usually estimated as the catch in a given year plus the increase in stock size or less the decrease. 通常估计值是等于在给定年的捕捉量加上族群大小的增加量或减去减少的量。
- That is why onehalf of the total normal working hours for a given year are used in figuring overhead rates. 这就是为什么一个特定年度的正常工作时间的半数被用来计算间接费用分配率。
- Eclipses are some of the most dramatic, important events that the universe sends us in any given year. 这些食是宇宙在任一个特定的年里发送给我们的最戏剧最重要的事件中的一部分。
- Gross value product - GVP The total value of all agricultural production for a given country in a given year, expressed in constant dollars. 指某一国家某一年的农业生产总值,以不变美元计算。
- A love anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity, the order varies for any given year. 爱情纪念日所庆祝的是恩爱,信赖,合作,容忍和坚毅。其顺序则年年不同。
- An annual publication including weather forecasts and other miscellaneous information arranged according to the calendar of a given year. 介绍天气预报和其它各种各样根据计算年历法推算出。
- A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity. The order varies for any given year. 结婚纪念日所庆祝的是恩爱,信赖,合作,容忍和坚毅。其顺序则年年不同。
- Additionally, a third of the stocks in the index underperformed the overall market by at least 15% or more at any given year. 此外,任一年份该指数都有三分之一的股票表现较大盘低15%25甚至更多。
- The bride was given away by her father. 由父亲把新娘交与新郎。
- SNS product is coessential change more serious, more terrible still is the prediction of a person's luck in a given year of the user. SNS产品同质化比较严重,更可怕的还是用户的流失。
- Advertising increases the prediction of a person's luck in a given year that can cause windstorm user, shake thereby the basis of windstorm? 广告的增加会不会导致暴风用户的流失,从而动摇暴风的根基?