- The fire-alarm is giving warning of fire. 报警器正发出火警警报。
- To indicate or give warning of beforehand;presage. 预示事先暗示或警告;预言
- To indicate or give warning of beforehand; presage. 预示事先暗示或警告;预言。
- The black clouds gave warning of an approaching storm. 乌云是暴风雨将要来临的前兆。
- The success of Oxbridge comes as leading science organisations in Britain have given warning of growing problems for undergraduate study. 正当英国知名科学机构对不断增长的大学生问题提出警告时,剑桥与牛津两所大学成功的消息适时而来。
- Officials have given warning that many more factories could be closed if more drastic measures are needed to clear the (still smoggy) air. 官方人员警告说,如果空气(仍然多尘)清理需要更严厉的措施的话,还有更多工厂可能要关闭。
- They also gave warning that casualty figures are likely to rise. 他们也给出预报说伤亡人数还会增加。
- Radar was originally introduced to give warning of the approach of hostile aircraft. 雷达一开始投入使用的目的是提供敌方飞机接近的警报。
- First come scattered strokes,running from one church to another,as when musicians give warning that they are about to begin. 首先是从一座教堂到另一座教堂发出零散的丁当声,好像是乐师们相互告知演奏就要开始了。
- First come scattered strokes, running from one church to another, as when musicians give warning that they are about to begin. 首先是从一座教堂到另一座教堂发出零散的丁当声,好像是乐师们相互告知演奏就要开始了;
- The adult Flat-Coat is usually an adequate alarm dog to give warning, but is a good-natured, optimistic dog, basically inclined to be friendly to all. 有缺陷的顺毛寻猎犬通常表现出过分惊慌而不时吠叫,但一个性情好、乐观的犬,基本上倾向于对所有的人都表现出友好的态度。
- Others give warning that such a move would simply alienate potential buyers of GM cars, making the situation graver still. 有的警告说这样做只会让通用汽车的潜在购买者心存疑虑,而使形势变得更严峻。
- A police car driving a hundred yards in advance gave warning of our approach. 在我们前面一百码,有一辆警卫车开道,预告我们快到了。
- More advanced still are active-safety systems that progressively give warning of potential impacts, try to prevent them, and then try to mitigate their effects. 更先进的则是那些可以逐步实现对潜在影响发出警告、试图阻止它们发生,以及能设法减轻发生后的影响的主动安全系统。
- Units with conduct of this article shall be punished in accordance with rules of this article and the person in charge with direct responsibility or other personnel with direct responsibility shall be given warning or penalty. 单位有前款行为的,依照前款的规定处罚,并对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处警告或者罚款。
- The bride was given away by her father. 由父亲把新娘交与新郎。
- Just as NATO is vital to Afghanistan, so Afghanistan is vital to NATO.General Dan McNeill, the American commander of ISAF, has given warning that the alliance's future is at stake in the country. 就像北约对于阿富汗来说是至关重要的,阿富汗对于北约也是至关重要的。
- An American travel advisory for St Kitts-Nevis gives warning only of petty crime. 一家服务于圣基茨和尼维斯的美国旅行咨询机构只警告说会发生一些小的犯罪。
- The government of this country gave warning that she could not sit idly by in the event of war. 该国政府发出警告如果战争爆发, 她将不会置之不理。
- Gilbert once gave warning that "Things are seldom what they seem/Skim milk masquerades as cream. 吉尔伯特曾警告说:“如同脱脂乳看似奶油而实质不同,事物很少表里一致。”