- Given to joking. 爱开玩笑的
- Given to joking; merry. 爱开玩笑的;愉快的
- For pat to lose his job is nothing to joke about. 对帕特来说失业可不是闹著玩儿的。
- I don't see that it's anything to joke about. 我不明白这有什么可笑的。
- A person given to clowning and joking. 扮演丑角和开玩笑的人。
- John wanted to talk turkey, but Jane just wanted to joke around. 约翰想谈正经事,但是简只想闹着玩。
- The money was given to us by deed of covenant. 这笔钱是根据契约书付给我们的。
- I was given to understand that she was ill. 我获悉她生病了。
- She's much given to outbursts of temper. 她老爱发脾气。
- He's given to going for long walks on his own. 他习惯於独自散步走很长的路。
- The land was given to him in perpetuity. 这土地永远归他所有了。
- It is fine for artists to joke about plagiarism. 艺术家们拿剽窃问题开玩笑似乎无伤大雅。
- Today's gate will be given to charity. 今日的门票收入将捐献给慈善事业。
- An apple was given to each of the boys. 每个男孩都得到一个苹果。
- We like to joke about such things. 我们喜欢说一些这样的笑话。
- I don't want to joke about this, not now. 我不想开玩笑,现在不想。
- She always keeps some titbits to give to her cat. 她总留点儿特别好吃的东西喂猫。
- Naozhe wanr” means to joke around. 王渊源:“闹着玩儿”就是开玩笑的意思。
- The pretty casket is given to her by her former boyfriend. 这个漂后的首饰盒是她以前的男朋友送给她的。
- Her whole life has been given to the study of dance. 她一生献身于研究舞蹈。