- The witness is giving false testimony. 那个证人在作伪证。
- You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. 不可作假见证陷害人。
- The witness intentionally gave false testimony. 那证人有意作伪证。
- The police immediately saw through their trick of collaborating to give false testimony. 警察一眼就识破了他们串谋作伪证的伎俩。
- Unless the lawyer on the other side has an ace up his sleeve and has bribed a witness to give false testimony, or something like that: this man is known for his cheating. 除非对方的律师会不择手段,使出收买证人作伪证之类的花招来,而这人也确实有欺诈的名声的。
- Gave false testimony under oath; false tales of bravery. 在誓言下给了假证词;关于勇敢的虚假的故事。
- They will also hear that two key witnesses at the trial that led to the hangings of the Ogoni nine later recanted, saying they had been bribed to give false testimony with offers of Shell jobs. 两名证人当年曾在判处九位领袖绞刑的审判上作证,但他们后来又推翻证词,这次他们会告诉陪审团,当初他们为了在壳牌工作的机会被人收买去提供虚假证词。
- Like a club or a sword or a sharp arrow is the man who gives false testimony against his neighbor. 作假见证陷害邻舍的,就是大槌,是利刀,是快箭。
- If a court discovers through investigation that a witness has intentionally given false testimony or concealed criminal evidence, it shall handle the matter in accordance with law. 法庭查明证人有意作伪证或者隐匿罪证的时候,应当依法处理。
- For many gave false testimony against Him, yet the testimonies were not consistent. 因为有好些人作假见证告他,只是那些见证各不相合。
- a person who deliberately gives false testimony. 一个故意给出假的证词的人。
- You know the commandments: 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, do not defraud, honor your father and mother.' " 诫命你是晓得的,不可杀人,不可奸淫,不可偷盗,不可作假见证,不可亏负人,当孝敬父母。
- He was punished for giving false evidence. 他因作伪证而受到惩罚。
- He was accused of giving false witness. 他被指控作伪证。
- She was punished for giving false witness. 她因作伪证受到惩处。
- give false testimony [法] 作伪证
- You must not offer false testimony with respect to your fellow man. 你们一定不可以因应你的同僚提供假证。
- resorting to violence, threats or subornation to hinder a witness from giving testimony, or instigating, suborning, or coercing others to give false testimony; (二)以暴力、威胁、贿买方法阻止证人作证或者指使、贿买、胁迫他人作伪证的;
- He gave false proof, which set the court at defiance. 他出示假证据,这就是蔑视法庭。
- Newspapers often give false colour to the news they report. 报纸常常对其所报道的新闻加以歪曲