- give someone his leave 叫某人卷铺盖,解雇某人
- give someone his marching orders 解雇某人
- At this juncture Nicholas took his leave. 尼古拉就在这当儿和大家告辞。
- It was still night when Xiang Bo took his leave. 天还没亮,项伯就告辞了。
- He was absent a number of days and got his leave. 他好几天没上班,后来被解雇了。
- Elves rarely give someone advice imprudently. 精灵是不会轻易给人忠告的。
- The trooper overstayed his leave. 这个骑兵超假了。
- He has hurt his leave foot and have to hop along. 他左脚受伤了, 不得不单足跳行。
- Upon this assurance the visitor took his leave. 得到这样的允许后,客人便告辞了。
- It is not so helpful to give someone some bread as to teach him how to make a living. 与其说给人面包很有帮助,倒不如说教导他如何谋生才重要。
- He took his leave and went home. 他告辞回家。
- He can use his leave hand to write. 他能用左手写字。
- To give someone credit for a good quality means to believe that he. 称赞某人的好品质意味着认为他具备这种好品质。
- He can write with his leave hand. 他能用左手写字。
- Serve: to give someone food or drink as part of a meal. 供应食物或是饮料。
- He have hurt his leave foot and have to hop along. 他左脚受伤了,不得不单足跳行。
- Don't forget to give someone you love a caring card or a gift. 别忘了给你爱的人或朋友一个关怀的卡片或礼物喔!
- Mr. Pickwick took his hat and his leave. 匹克威克先生拿起帽子,拔腿就走。
- Um, corneal trans plant s can give someone back their sight. 有些工厂原来生产整部机器,现在开始生产零件。
- WSJ: What advice would you give someone entering your field? 问:你会对那些刚刚进入这一领域的新人提些什么建议?