- Police gave chase to the speeding car. 警察追赶那辆超速行驶的轿车。
- The police immediately gave chase to the robbers. 警察立刻出动追捕盗贼。
- The ceremony was cut short when the Federals were forced to give chase to a nearby party of Confederates.Dr. and Mrs. 当北部联军被迫驱赶附近一支南部联军时,欢迎仪式被缩短了。
- The police gave chase to the man who robbed the bank. 警察在追赶抢劫银行的人。
- The policeman gave chase to the bag snatcher but he just seemed to melt away into the crowd. 警察追赶那个抢包贼,但抢包贼似乎已消失在人群之中。
- Was surprised in the grey of the morning. by a Turkish rover of Sallee, who gave chase to us with all the sail she could make. 一天拂晓,突然有一艘从萨累开来的土耳其海盗船,扯满了帆,从我们后面追了上来。
- Was surprised in the grey of the morning, by a Turkish rover of Sallee, who gave chase to us with all the sail she could make. 一天拂晓,突然有一艘从萨累开来的土耳其海盗船,扯满了帆,从我们后面追了上来。
- British Royal Navy commandos gave chase to suspected pirates off the coast of Yemen, killing 3 of them in a gunfight Wednesday, UK media reported. 据英国媒体报道,英皇家海军12日在也门附近海域拦截一艘海盗船并与之交火,击毙3名海盗。
- They gave chase to the enemies. 他们追击敌人。
- About the origin of the name Ali, there is this story in circulation: Once upon a time, the Gaoshan or High Mountain Tribe had a chieftain whose name was A'Ba'Li. While giving chase to a white deer one day, he arrived at this spot. 提到阿里山名称的由来,在台湾流传着这样一个故事。 很久以前,一位名叫阿巴里的高山族首领,追猎一只白鹿来到这里。
- After the robbery the police immediately gave chase. 劫案发生後警方立即跟踪追击。
- The movie has a car chase to end all car chases. 这部影片的汽车追逐场面非常刺激。
- We gave chase along the footpath. 我们开始沿小路追赶。
- The hunt began and the dogs gave chase. 狩猎开始了,猎狗追逐了。
- They claim can be chased to Iran. 他们声称能够追究到伊朗。
- give chase toadj. 追赶(追击;追踪)
- Panicked by the lions, the herd bolts. The lions give chase, but it's Duclaw who outlasts them all. 水牛群因狮子的到来而恐慌,开始四散奔去。狮子们开始追逐,但是双爪的耐力最好。
- The robbers drove off at high speed and a police car gave chase. 那些强盗驾车快速逃跑,一辆警车紧追不舍。
- Jessie was hysterical , screaming loudly , as I picked myself up from the floor gasping to give chase. 杰西歇斯底里的大叫,这时我喘着气爬起来继续追。
- It means to give the most-needed and timely aid. 它的意思是给予最需要的及时的帮助。