- Give your hat another brush. 再把你的帽子刷一刷。
- Beware your hat, lest it should be blown away. 当心你的帽子别被吹走。
- You have put your hat on backwards. 你把帽子戴反了。
- Give your teeth a brief brush and come here. 把牙快点儿刷了,然后过来。
- You've got your hat on skew-whiff. 你帽子戴歪了。
- Keep it under your hat for the moment, won't you? 暂时保密,好吗?
- What you need to do is just to give your suit a quick brush. 你只需要把你的西装很快地刷一刷就行了。
- It always pays to give your paper one final check. 写了东西最后检查一遍总是有好处的。
- You're talking through your hat. 你是在胡说八道。
- Give your commands in a loud, confident voice. 发命令声音要洪亮、 坚定。
- Before the artist finished his work he liked to give it another brush. 那位画家在完成他的工作之前喜欢润色一下他的作品。
- Give your hair a good rinse after shampooing it. 用洗发剂洗头後,要把头发好好冲洗乾净。
- Give your father my compliments the next time you see him. 下次你见到父亲时,请代我问候他。
- Can you take off your hat? I want to give an example of concrete. 可以把你的帽子摘下来吗?我想借你来举一个混凝土的例子,用你的头举例子。
- I think your hat is rather chic. 我看你的帽子相当时髦。
- How does your hat stay on in this high wind? 这么大的风,你的帽子怎么戴得住呢?
- If you can't find your hat, take hers. 如果你找不到你的帽子,就拿她的
- Leave your hat and coat in the hall. 把你的帽子和上衣放在门厅里好了。
- We can either give your money back or change you another radio. 要么我们给您退款,要么给您换一台收音机。
- Give your whole attention to what you are doing. 把全部注意力用于你所做的事。