- Give them some apples. 给他们一些苹果。
- The waiter fetched them some apples. 侍者为他们取来了一些苹果。
- Send it to girls also, give them some laughter. 转寄给女生,让她们笑一笑!
- They have short of paper, please give them some. 他们缺少纸,请给他们一些纸。(作宾语)
- Just give them some pieces of apples grunt , pears grunt ,and feed them water or defat milk.,etc Daily main food is essential for hamsters. 给它们喂主食为主,附加以苹果肉,梨子肉,(人喝的)水, 脱脂牛奶 等等。
- We gave them some questionnaires for collecting data. 为了收集数据我们发给他们一些调查表。
- Students ask the travel agency to give them some advices. 学生请旅行社给他们提点建议。
- Will the British bar staff be happy if you give them some tip? 如果你给英国酒保小费,他们会开心吗?
- Check them often and give them some water or orange juice? 经常察看你们的需求,并给你们水或者橙汁?
- If they flash you, you have to give them some gorgeous beads. 如果她们真的亮出来给你看的话,你就要付他们一些美丽的珠子。
- Tom: Yes. Sam is going to give them some lectures on physics. 汤姆:是的。他要去给他们做一些物理方面的讲座。
- The trees gave them some shelter from the wind. 那些树给他们挡住了风。
- "Untie the knot and take the bucket to the wagon and give them some. "把绳子解开,把吊桶提到马车上去,让他们也喝一点。
- They might give them some kind of assistance in terms of outplacement . 有些帮助他们重新寻找出路;
- Make a survey about your family's diet custom and give them some advice. 调查你家人三餐的饮食习惯;并给他们提出有关健康的建议.
- Miss Guo has given them some questions to think about. 郭老师已经给了他们一些问题去思考。仔细考虑。
- They finish playing and mommy gives them some Candy Scabs to eat. 在他们完好游戏以后,妈妈给了他们一些痂盖糖来吃。
- As for the "three supports and two military's",I suggest you give them some study. 关于“三支两军”问题,你们研究一下。
- The boy decided to sneak in to pick some apples after dark. 孩子们决定天黑后溜进去摘些苹果。
- What techniques do farmers use to slow soil erosion? Can you give them some suggestion? 学生提出不少方法来减缓水土流失,接着让学生做实验来证实。