- Give some advice to me. 而含义不变。
- I will try my best to provide better information for you.if you give some advices to me,I will do better! Enjoy your visit here.Thanks. 部分链接如果失效,或者有什么疑问,请在书籍所在帖子进行回复,我会尽量更新链接或者找到其他资源,谢谢!
- I'll give some advices to you by few photos. 我用少许照片来给些忠告.
- For chinese players, managerzone is a whole new game, can you do a favor to give some advice to the players. 对于中国玩家而言,足球经理在线是一款非常新鲜的游戏,请你给众多的中国玩家一些玩这个游戏的建议!
- Welcome to the website of Xinghan Light Industrial, please give some advice to the product! 欢迎您光临星汉照明网,请对此产品作个评价!
- According to the teaching practice,the authors give some advice to improve the ration of elective,and use it as the basic of the innovation ... 结合自身教学实际,提出相应的建议,旨在提高田径选修课的选课率,为田径传统课程改革奠定基础。
- This paper analyzed the change between the new edition and old edition UL standard for power tools, give some advice to the power tools manufacturer. 本文分析了美国手持式电动工具新老标准的变化,对今后一个时期电动工具企业的UL认证工作提出了建议。
- Give some advice to sb. 给某人提建议。
- This paper discusses the elements which affect the efficiency of CNC devices.Then give some advice to elevate the efficiency.It presents the idea of caculating the interpolating before actual cutting. 分析了影响数控机床加工效率的因素,随后给出了提高其效率的几种方法,着重考虑了把插补计算提前进行的可能和这样做的好处。
- Then it analyzes the necessity of the reform and gives some advice to keep the equality between two kinds of banks under explicit DIS. 进而,分析了从“隐性”到“显性”变革的必要性;最后,就显性安排下如何保障大银行和中小银行间的公平进行了探讨。
- This paper thinks of the TCM research on preventing and treating geriatric cognitive disorders,and gives some advice to promote it from the point of view of TCM principle-method. 本文从"中医理法"的角度对中医药防治老年认知障碍研究工作进行了思考,提出应重视辨病论治和辨证论治相结合;重视预防研究;重视病因研究;重视体质研究;强调形神合一;
- By analyzing the factors that influence the impartiality and considering the recent related methods,it gives some advice to improve ADR for medical disputes. 对影响该方式的因素进行分析,思考现有的ADR相关方式,希望能对我国医疗纠纷解决有所启示。
- Finally, the authors have given some advices to health activities. 对当前的运动健身活动提出了针对性的建议。
- Her advice to me was to work harder. 她给我的忠告是更加努力工作。
- OBJECTIVE To analyze intervention strategies of rational use of drugs(RUD)and give some advices to resarchers related. 目的研究我国农村合理用药的干预策略,为促进农村合理用药提供政策建议。
- In this essay, I will recommend the litigate procedure of patent infringement in America.Comparatively, I will give some advices to consummate the relative system. 本文将重点介绍与阐释美国专利纠纷中若干特殊程序设计,并从比较法角度对我国相关制度完善提出若干建议。
- The doctor gave some advice on how to improve our health. 医生就如何增进健康向我们提了一些建议。
- She gave some medicine to me when my stomach griped . 我胃痛时她给了我一些药。
- Chapter five sum up the whole design and give some advice. 第五章对整个设计做了总结并提出了建议。