- He can break a camel' s back with one wave of his wings. 英勇的猛禽正凌空而下,它能一膀子拍断公骆驼的腰;
- Give sb a ring Give me a ring if you can come. 如果你能来给我打电话。
- She put the saddle on the horse' s back. 她把马鞍放在马背上。
- Call sb sth to order get one's give sb his marching orders in apple pie order in running working orderbook in stock but we can order it. 这书我们没有存货,但是可以预订。
- He is binding a burden on the camel 's back. 他在将重物往骆驼的背上捆绑。
- Ursula caught the Arab’s back collar. 她立即全力追赶阿拉伯人。
- One owner reported that her Munchkin likes to hide and then leap out on her dog’s back and manages to hang on while the dog races round the room! 有个主人说他们的曼赤肯猫喜欢跳到狗的背上,并且骑著狗儿在家里跑来跑去?
- She' s back to her former self again, eg after an illness. 她又恢复了以前的样子(如病後).
- SHG laughed at the camera and hid her face behind KSW's back. 宋慧乔坐在金承佑旁边,正戴着耳机听音乐。
- Have cold feet give sb get the cold shoulder in cold blood leave sb cold make sb's blood run cold pour throw cold water on sthor an activity. 被排斥在某集体或某项活动之外的。
- They literally let it run off like water on a duck 's back. 他们几乎把这当成是耳旁风。
- Give sb a Roland for one's Oliver 以牙还牙;针锋相对
- State that you are considering giving sb a rest for a week. 声明你正在考虑让sb放一个星期的假。
- Design theories tend to outshine their author’s performance, becoming limiting concepts, prejudicing the mind while tying one’s hands behind one’s back. 设计理论只会喧宾夺主,取代设计本身的位置,成为一种桎梏,一种概念,甚至一种偏见,使设计者束手缚脚,难以腾挪。
- Give sb six months'interest-free credit, ie allow sb to pay within six months, without adding an extra charge for interest. 给予某人六个月的无息赊欠期。
- give sb the edge of one's tongue 痛骂某人
- A whip for the horse, a b***dle for the ass, and a rod for the fool#s back. 3鞭子是为打马。辔头是为勒驴。刑杖是为打愚昧人的背。
- Notice of give sb a present Send close furniture, see literal can know, should be the thing that can make mom more comfortable, say to send a chair for example. 送礼须知送贴心家具,看字面就能知道,应该是能让妈妈更舒适的东西,比方说送椅子。
- Princess(walks toward the king‘s back): Father,do you worry about Jafar again? 公主(走到国王身后):父王,您又在想贾方的事吗?
- State that you are considering giving sb a prolonged rest from matches. 声明你正在考虑让sb放一个长假。