- Give people a second chance. 给人们第二次机会.
- If other people can give us a second chance, then we should try to do the same. 既然别人可以原谅我们,为什么我们不给予别人机会呢。
- It give people a sense of securities. 安全性较好。
- I think a good friendship deserver a second chance. 我认为深厚的友情应该有言归于好的机会。
- The picture give people a unreal impression. 这幅画给人不真实的印象.
- There will never be a second chance. 不会再有第二次机会了。
- This will give people a false impression. 这样会给人造成错觉。
- Give people a free subscription to your newsletter. 你给人免费订阅季刊.
- I think you deserve a second chance. 我认为你有资格获得第二次机会。
- Funerals help give people a sense of closure. 葬礼给人一种曲终人散的感觉.
- I just want a second chance at Hollywood. 我只是想有第二次机会在好莱坞。”
- DVDs give people a brand new visual experience. DVD给人们带来全新的视觉享受。
- Always give people a sense of unusualness. 总是给人带来不同寻常的感觉。
- Henrietta: Be serious, Charles.You must give people a chance. 你认真点,Charles.;你必须给别人机会。
- Jeff deceived me once already-I won't give him a second chance. 杰夫已骗过我一次,我不会再给他机会。
- The boss gave people a very fair chance for promotions. 该老板给员工一个非常公平的晋升机会。
- Being an encourager, Barnabas wanted to give Mark a second chance. 他这么做是出于鼓励马可的考虑,希望再给他一次机会。
- This painting gave people a untruth impression. 这幅画给人不真实的印象.
- You give them a second chance to be an affectionate companion again. 给它们一个机会,让它们再次成为得人钟爱的伴侣。
- The temple gives people a solemn feeling. 圣殿给人一种庄严的感觉。