- Does seniority give one the right to command? 难道年长资深就有权发号施令吗?
- Some men give their blood to their country; others their spleen. 既有人为国捐躯,亦有人捐坏脾气(怀恨)。
- Give one's blood to sb. 把自己的血输给某人。
- Does seniority give one the right to command?. 难道年长资深就有权发号施令吗?.
- They announced that she would give one extra song. 他们宣布说她将再唱一首歌。
- Translator2: I give my blood to illuminate the way. 翻译者2:我献出我的鲜血以照亮前方之路。
- I give my blood to illuminate the way. 我献出我的鲜血以照亮前方之路。
- Translator 2:I give my blood to illuminate the way. 翻译者2:我以我的鲜血照亮前进的路途。
- His untidy clothes give one a misguided impression of him. 他衣冠不整往往给人一种假象。
- I who am blind can give one hint to those who see--one admonition to those who would make full use of the gift of sight: Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be stricken blind. 我,一个盲人,可以给那些能看见的人一个提示---对想充分利用视力天赋的人的一个忠告:用你的双眼,就好像你明天就会遭致失明一样。
- That gave one sense of lightness. 它给人一种轻松感。
- The valves of the heart allow the blood to pass in one direction only. 心脏的瓣膜使血液只能朝一个方向流动。
- Embarrassment caused blood to flush to her face. 困窘使血液涌到她的脸上。
- Exercises give one a good appetite. 运动增进食欲。
- He gave his blood to help his sister. 他把血输给他妹妹以救助她。
- You must give one month's notice. 你必须一个月前发出通知。
- Bull‘s Blood from the town of Eger in northeast Hungary became one of Eastern Europe‘s best-known wines under communism. 报道说,埃格尔镇位于匈牙利的东北部,当地生产的牛血酒在上个世纪90年代以前曾是整个东欧地区最负盛名的葡萄酒之一。
- She felt a rush of blood to her cheeks. 她觉得血一下子涌到了脸上。
- Give one of these rural area project ideas a try. 不妨试试以下这些乡村计画。
- I will let my flesh and blood to obey my soul. 我将让我的肉体服从我的灵魂。