- Design and Application of Gimbal Mount 常平座的设计与应用
- No, the gyros have been used for tank sites, guns, remote gimbal mounts, steadicams, helicopter mounts , rifles, hand guns, telescopes, even by NASA . 这东西开起来噪音不是很大,有一点像飞机引擎开动时的高频嘶声;俄罗斯稳像噪音大可能是飞轮的平衡不佳所致。
- The climbers mounted higher and higher. 攀登者越爬越高。
- It's many years since Mount Vesuvius last erupted. 维苏威火山上一次喷发至今已有很多年了。
- He was mounted on a black horse. 他骑着一匹黑色的马。
- The medical team are well mounted. 这个医疗队的队员都骑着好马。
- His debts mounted up to a million dollars. 他的债增加到一百万美元。
- His debts continued to mount up. 他的债务在不断增长。
- A blush mounted to the child's face. 这个小孩的脸红了起来。
- He mounted the horse and rode off. 他骑上马走了。
- He quickly mounted (his horse) and rode away. 他迅速上马疾驰而去。
- gimbal mounted engine 万向轲支承的发动机
- The specimens have been classified and mounted. 标本已分类并固定在标本架上。
- He mounted the bicycle and rode away. 他骑上自行车走了。
- The death toll mounted (to 100). 死亡人数上升(至100).
- Having or mounted on a common axis. 同轴的有或装上共同轴的
- It'll cost a lot of money to mount this play. 上演这个剧本要花许多钱。
- The general had an excellent mount. 将军有出色的坐骑。
- It works, as do all three arms on the gimbal. 它确实有效,平衡环上的三只臂也没有问题了。
- The horse shied off when I tried to mount it. 我试图骑上马的时候,马却惊恐地躲开了。