- The current high speed disk subsystem connection device is the gigabit interface converter(GBIC). this is hot swappable module provides a 100M/S . 特别注意:本站所有转载文章言论不代表本站观点,本站所提供的摄影照片,插画,设计作品,如需使用,请与原作者联系,版权归原作者所有。
- gigabit interface converter 吉比特接口转换器
- Taiwan Winton SCM Interface Converter application code! TTR056单片机控制代码!台湾通泰单片机接口转换应用代码!-TTR056 MCU control code!
- The GV-NET Box is an interface converter that can be connect to the PC. 您好,我司工作人员暂不在线,请留言!我们将会尽快与您联系,谢谢!
- Using programmable logic device CPLD/FPGA, designed a instrument interface converter for GPRB/ RS232C. 用大规模可编程器件CPLD/FPGA设计了一个GPIB/RS232C接口标准的转换器,比旧式的缩小了体积,提高了速度。
- The interface converts one AES3-stream into compressed IP data and vice versa. 接口转换一个AES3码流到一个压缩的IP数据流,反之亦然。
- A Single-chip Interface Converter of Instrument 单芯片的仪器接口转换器
- Net XIC transmission interface converter 传输接口转换器
- facsimile data interface converter 传真数据转换装置
- transimssion interface converter 传输接口转换器
- transmission interface converter 传输接口转换器
- ATEN O main products include: multi-host switch (KVM SWITCH), USB peripherals, video splitter, print-sharing devices, interface converters and so on. ATEN的主要产品有:多主机切换器(KVM SWITCH),USB周边产品,视频分配器,打印共享器,接口转换器等。
- She decided to convert from Judaism. 她决定不再信犹太教。
- Products have access products business, PDH Guangduan Ji, SDH Guangduan Ji, interface converters, broadband access products, the market covers 15 provinces and has been exported to foreign countries. 主要产品有多业务接入产品,PDH光端机,SDH光端机,接口转换器,宽带接入产品等,市场覆盖15个省并已远销国外。
- He is a recent convert to Christianity. 他最近改信基督教了。
- He wanted to convert his dollars into Japanese yen. 他想将美元换成日币。
- And gigabit Ethernet lies ahead, too. 千兆位以太网也已出现。
- Gigabit Ethernet couldn't happen at a better time. 千兆位以太网的出现非常及时。
- He was sent out to convert the heathens. 他被派去教化那些异教徒。
- A discussion about two JTAG interfaces convenient to debug,extended Ethernet interface and the design of A/D interface converted from serial IIS by CPLD is carried out. 本文重点讨论了方便调试的两种JTAG接口、扩展的以太网接口和利用CPLD将串行IIS转换成并行总线的A/D接口的设计。