- When these women get talking,they go on for hours. 这些女人一谈便是几个小时。
- When these women get talking ,they go on for hours . 这些女人一谈便是几个小时。
- When these women get talking , they go on for hours . 这些女人一谈便是几个小时。
- Maxine and Edward get talking over lunch at a seminar on effective management. 在有效管理研讨会的午餐时间,玛克辛和爱德华在交谈。
- We got talking,and did not notice the time. 我们谈了起来,时间过去也没注意了。
- I got talking to her/We got talking. 我和她谈起话来了我们谈起话来了.
- We got talking, and did not notice the time. 我们谈了起来,时间过去也没注意了。
- The two of them began to wrangle the moment they got talking. 他们两人一谈就顶牛儿。
- In an interview, you have to got talk to him face to face. 在面试的时候,你必须和他面对面谈话。
- For now set appointments with the right influential people and get talks going. 从现在开始和一些有影响力的人制定约会然后谈话。
- Soon he got talking to another person who happened to be American, too. 不一会儿,他就和另一个人聊上了,这人刚好也是美国人。
- Let me get my bits and pieces together. 让我把我的零碎东西收拾起来。
- There are men who don't mind about being kicked blue if they can only get talked about. 有些人只要能够出名,给大家骂得狗血喷头也在所不惜。
- Let's talk up the game and get a big crowd. 咱们把这场比赛大肆宣扬一下,以便吸引更多的观众。
- What I hope we can do together is get talked about, not just across China, or the rest of Asia, but in NY or London. 我期望我们一起努力的结果,是使得奥美万众瞩目,不仅在中国、亚洲,而且在纽约、伦敦都被众人广为谈论。
- I expect they got talking afterwards and decided to do it on the spur of the moment. 光景是后来谈得高兴,就一块儿走了。
- If you know what you're doing and you feel good about it, you never regret it. If you get talked into something, you always regret it. 假如你清楚你在清楚你在干什么,干的时候感觉不错的话,你永远都不会后悔,假如你是给人家好说歹说才勉强干某件事,那你永远都会后悔。
- A Texan farmer goes to Australia for a vacation. There he meets an Aussie Farmer and gets talking. 一位美国得克萨斯州的农民到澳大利亚度假。在那儿他碰到了一位当地农民,俩人随即聊了起来。
- That kind of talk will get you nowhere. 说那种话对你没好处。
- In a downtown Taipei bar, English teacher Jane gets talking to Dave, a greenhorn. 在台北市中心一间酒吧里,英语老师简与刚到台湾的戴夫攀谈起来。