- He roped up the long sticks as a weapon. 他把长棍用绳子捆在一起当武器用。
- The fisher used a spear as his weapon. 渔夫用矛作为武器。
- This weapon fires anti-aircraft missiles. 这种武器是发射防空导弹的。
- germ weapon 细菌武器
- Humour was his only weapon against their hostility. 他有幽默感,这是他对付他们的敌对行动的唯一手段。
- A hand grenade is a missile weapon. 手榴弹是一种投掷武器。
- The policeman made a dive for the dropped weapon. 警察扑向掉下的武器。
- Complete anonymity is the best weapon I have. 彻底隐姓埋名是我最好的武器。
- It's just the germ of an idea, but something may come out of it. 这只是个初步的想法,但是也许能有所成就。
- They were testing a new weapon then. 当时他们在试验一件新武器。
- Success is the best weapon to silence scoffers. 成功是让嘲笑者闭嘴的最好武器。
- The germ of a new idea impinged on his mind. 在他脑子里开始产生一个新的想法。
- A loop fastened to a belt to hold a tool or weapon. 挂武器环固定在腰带上拴工具或武器的环套
- One who prepares a nuclear weapon for release. 核武器专家为核武器发射做准备的人
- All the possibilities of any life are in the germ. 形成任何生命的一切可能都在胚胎里面。
- Here was the germ of a brilliant idea. 一个绝妙的主意就是从这里萌发的。
- It contains the germ of the whole. 包含总体的萌芽。
- Germ of life, germ inexplicable , germ of wonder . 生命的种子,一种难以形容的种子,奇迹的种子。
- This beetle eats mainly the germ of the grain. 这种甲虫主要吃谷物的胚芽。
- The prize was a tangible testimony that she had got a germ of writing ability. 这个奖是一个具体的证明,说明她具有创作才能。