- It may be concluded that the sedimentary facies, tectogenetic movement,the formation water and geothermic gradient are all important factors to form the oil-bearing sandstone. 结果表明,沉积相、构造运动、地层水的性质及地温梯度等都是促成含油砂岩形成的重要因素。
- The paper constructs a correlation formula for the pressure gradient and geothermal gradient in the lithosphere with the thermocompression coefficient. 与地温梯度一样,岩石圈中的地压梯度在空间和时间上也应是复杂多变的。
- The Quaternary system is characterized by high geothermal gradient, with low scope of overpressure in its deep and shale caprock saturated with formation water of high salinity. 第四系具有较高的地温梯度,深部发育了低幅超压;甘森泉-小柴旦基底断裂影响气藏构造的完整性;第四系饱含高矿化度地层水泥岩构成的盖层可以起到一定的封盖作用。
- Submarine temperature, pressure, gas compositions, geothermal gradient and syngenetic water salinity control the depth of hydrate zone basement.Autochthonous bacteriogenic mod... 海底温度和压力、地热梯度、气体成分、同生水盐度等控制着水合物稳定带基底的深度和厚度。
- Influenced by the tectonic inversion, erosion and high geothermal gradient, the present depths of hydrocarbon generation threshold are usually shallower than the normal. 由于构造反转、剥蚀和高地温梯度,现今生烃门限深度普遍偏浅;
- The geothermal field m our study area is jointly controlled by faults, lithology, caprock buried depth and hydrology, has a relatively high geothermal gradient which ascends southwards. 研究区地温场的展布主要受构造断裂、地层岩性、盖层埋深、水文地质条件等控制,地温温度较高,自北向南地温总体呈增高趋势。
- Present geothermal gradient and geothermal flux of the Ordos basin is controlled by the thickness of the earth crust in the different tectonic element and the thickness of lithosphere. 鄂尔多斯盆地现今地温梯度与大地热流的展布受盆地不同构造单元地壳厚度、岩石圈厚度变化控制。
- The basins on the western of Algin Rift were all compressive depressions,their geothermal gradients were lower. 阿尔金断裂以西为挤压坳陷型盆地,地温梯度普遍较低。
- geothermic gradient 地热增温率,地温增加率,地热梯度
- Turpan-Harmi Basin and Junggar Basin were located in Hasakestain Plate,underwent fault subsidence and strong tectonic activities,and their geothermal gradients were high. 吐哈盆地、准噶尔盆地位于哈萨克斯坦板块之上,经历了裂陷作用,构造活动性强,地温梯度高。
- The resulting solution is known as the gradient. 合成解就是通常的梯度风。
- An inclined surface; a slope or gradient. 斜面;斜坡或斜道
- Since Geotherm is a kind of clean and sustainable energy, the Gradient Utilization System of Geotherm will play an important role in the related field. 而地热作为一种清洁可持续利用的能源,地热能供暖系统的研究与推广必将为解决北京的环境问题做出巨大的贡献。
- Gets or sets the center point of the path gradient. 获取或设置路径渐变的中心点。
- Gets the end color of the gradient used in the. 背景中使用的渐变的结束颜色。
- Just click on the gradient image. 在渐变图象沙锅内单击。
- Specifies a gradient from left to right. 指定从左到右的渐变。
- Specifies a linear gradient fill. 指定线性渐变填充。
- Specifies the direction of a linear gradient. 指定线性渐变的方向。
- The interior of the element is a vertical gradient. 该元素的内部为垂直渐变。