- Volcano eruption is one of serious geological disasters. 火山喷发是严重的地质灾害之一。
- Geological disasters were also likely to hit parts of western Yunnan Province. 云南地区也有可能发生地质灾害.
- The landslide is one of the worst geological disasters in Chongqing. 摘要滑坡是重庆市重点地质灾害之一。
- China is among the countries that have most serious geological disasters. 中国是世界上地质灾害最严重的国家之一。
- Karst geomorphy is a key factor to the formation and development of geological disasters. 岩溶地貌在地质灾害的形成和发展过程中起着很重要的作用。
- Illegal felling of trees for a long time will cause serious geological disasters. 长期的滥砍滥伐会造成严重的地质灾害。
- There were 31 provincial geological environmental monitoring stations,which made successful forecasts on 703 geological disasters. 全国省级地质环境监测站31个,成功预报地质灾害703起。
- Except the simmering in deep area, other three kinds of hydrothermal karst would associate and induce geological disasters. 除深部相浸煮蚀变作用外,其余3种热水岩溶作用都可伴生和引起地质灾害。
- From 2004 to 2006,the economic losses caused by geological disasters that because economic development was effect on geological environemnt. 从2004年到2006年由于经济发展对地质环境的影响造成的灾害所产生的损失越来越大。
- Then, the corresponding prevention and control measures of the geological disasters are put forward for different subentry project construction sites. 根据地质灾害的危害对象、危害程度和期望价值损失率对分项工程建设场地的危险性及适宜性进行评估,并分类、分项提出地质灾害防治措施。
- It is significant to direct urban planning that how to obtain accurate information of urban expansion and analyze the impact of geological disasters on urban expansion. 如何准确地获取城市扩展的信息,并分析地质灾害对城市扩展的影响,对于指导城市规划具有重要的指导意义。
- Based on the investigation of geological disasters in Fushun west open pit ,the genetic type and formation mechanisms of geological disasters were analysed in this paper. 根据抚顺西露天矿地质灾害及其成灾性的现场调查和室内试验测试数据资料,对边坡地质灾害类型进行归纳、分析。
- Abstract: Based on the investigation of geological disasters in Fushun west open pit ,the genetic type and formation mechanisms of geological disasters were analysed in this paper. 文摘:根据抚顺西露天矿地质灾害及其成灾性的现场调查和室内试验测试数据资料,对边坡地质灾害类型进行归纳、分析。
- This thesis research on the stability of loess landslide takes Tashan loess landslide for example on the basis of the geological disasters detailed investigation in Qianyang county , Baoji, Shanxi. 论文在陕西宝鸡地区千阳县地质灾害详细调查的基础上,以塌山黄土滑坡为例开展黄土滑坡稳定性研究。
- Geological disasters such as house crevice, earth crevice, concrete road surface off the roadbed, working slot riping, etc. occurred in a village of the Chunan county in early February, 2005. 摘要淳安县某村于2005年2月初发生民房墙体开裂、地面裂缝、砼路面层与路基脱开、施工缝拉裂等地质灾害现象。
- The paper expounds the significance of surveying technique on geological disasters in metallic mines,and describes the new progress of GPS orientation,photogrammetry,mapping technics of GPS and digit. 阐述了测绘科技在金属矿山地质灾害中的重要性,说明了现代测绘科学中,GPS定位技术、摄影测量技术、GPS与数字地图产品技术等方面的最新进展及在金属矿山地质灾害研究中应用的可行性。
- Coal is always a main energy sources in our country,and exploitation of coal was threatened by many mine geological disasters,in which the water inrush from mine is the most primary problem. 煤炭一直是我国的主要能源,煤炭开采受到多种矿井地质灾害的威胁,其中最大安全问题是矿井突水事故。
- This paper with an emphasis on the active prevention analyses the prevention mechanism,inspection network,information management and regular operation against geological disasters in Anxi County. 本文以安溪县为例,从强化主动防御措施入手,对较好完善地质灾害防御机制、建立监测网络、健全防灾预案体系、加强信息管理、推进年度规范运作等方面作了分析与阐述。
- Please pay attention to defense departments weather and strong convection rainstorm triggered by mountain torrents, mudflows, and other geological disasters, and to the science of water. 请有关方面注意防御强对流天气和暴雨引发的山洪、泥石流等地质灾害,并注意科学蓄水。
- Basic theories and application technology condition of geological Disasters,advantages and disadvantages of monitoring and prediction criterion for landslide disasters are reviewed. 文章简要评述了地质灾害基础理论与应用技术发展现状、滑坡灾害多种监测预报判据的利弊。