- geographical name dictionary 地名词典
- Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England. 地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。
- As a geographical name, its terrain is equal to the sandbank territories now in the east of Inner Mongolia, which is called in relief as Horquin Sandlot. 作为地理名词,“科尔沁”的地域大致与今天的内蒙古东部的沙丘地带重合,地貌学上称这一沙丘地带为“科尔沁沙地”。
- Which Method Should Be Applied to Translating Chinese Geographical Names? 地名英译何去何从?
- generic term of geographical name 地名通名
- geographical name information system 地名信息系统
- You are welcome to join China's first geographical naming of China Xiaoxiang game Union. 欢迎您加入中国第一个以地域命名之中国潇湘游戏联盟。
- standardization of geographical name 地名标准化
- Where a trademark using any of the above-mentioned geographical names has been approved and registered,it shall continue to be valid. 已经注册的使用地名的商标继续有效。
- Where a trademark using any of the above-mentioned geographical names has been approved and registered, it shall continue to be valid. 已经注册的使用地名的商标继续有效。
- "Fangzhu" and "Xixue" were the two important historical geographical names in Shiyan region during the Sprikng and Autumn period. 摘要“防渚”、“锡穴”是湖北十堰地区春秋时期的两个重要地名。
- Toponymy is a newly developed branch of science which systematically studies the etymology and meaning of geographical names. 地名学是对地名的词源、意义等进行系统分析的一门新兴科学。
- single romanization of geographical name 地名单一罗马化
- specific term of geographical name 地名专名
- To assist the mayor in charge of science and technology, education, culture, health, sports, radio and television, earthquakes, geographical names, foreign experts administration. 协助市长分管科技、教育、文化、卫生、爱卫会、体育、广播电视、地震、地名、外国专家管理等方面的工作。
- Almost 30 years passed from the initial motion of Romanization of Chinese Geographical Names(RCGN) to the establishment of its legal status as an international norm. 中国地名拼音化(罗马化)的提出至法律地位的确立经历了近30年时间。
- Geographical Names Database completed, the public can do in the name of the website for Fijian road enquiries, the road to the preliminary settlement of Fijian population inconvenience. 一条路名的更改涉及到方方面面,路牌要改,门牌要改,身份证要改,产权证也要改,企业的经营执照也要改,这需要各部门同时配合。
- The name and address of the firm are embossed on its paper. 商号的名字和地址凸印在信笺上。
- That brought discredit on his name. 那件事使他的名誉受损。
- They are getting to know the geographical house. 他们正在了解房屋的布局。