- genu extrorsum 膝外翻
- Ground of double genu genuflect, arm unbend maintains the ground. 双膝跪地,手臂伸直撑地。
- Is meniscus of the side outside genu torn off how Mo cure? 膝外侧半月板撕裂怎麽治疗?
- Giddy dazzled, tinnitus, lumbar genu aching and limp is faint. 头晕目眩,耳鸣,腰膝酸软无力。
- The hand listened bate, should combine numerous place expeditionary genu. 手听了大怒,要联合众部位讨伐膝。
- Essence brushs type with the dot or little scope sprays as jumpy as pulse place : After inside of ear hind, artifice, genu. 香精以点擦式或小范围喷洒与脉搏跳动处:耳后、手腕内侧、膝后。
- After napkin lay open, put on the ham of the end on double genu, do not fasten belt, or hang in shirt collarband. 餐巾摊开后,放在双膝上端的大腿上,切勿系入腰带,或挂在衬衫领口。
- The upper part of the body raise, before double genu receives a bosom, tighten body group. 上体抬起,双膝收到胸前,把身体团紧。
- Art of decompression of ganglion of shape of facial nerve genu applies to temporal bone fracture. 面神经膝状神经节减压术适用于颞骨骨折。
- Apply to kidney genu of Xu Yang Wei, waist is cold grow in quantity of make water of painful, night. 适用于肾虚阳痿、腰膝冷痛、夜尿增多。
- Next both hands holds genu in the arms, inspiratory, extend spread out the body. 然后双手抱膝,吸气,并伸展开身体。
- The drape need of genu ministry is long nurse carefully just get alleviating likely, so, must unremitting. 膝部的褶皱需要长时间的仔细护理才有可能得到缓解,所以,一定要坚持不懈。
- Genu valgum after proximal tibia fracture is specific complication in childhood. 胫骨上段骨折并发膝外翻是儿童骨折的特有现象。
- Every week two, on wet body, large area makes a group, stress dry position (ministry of elbow, genu, plantar) . 每周两次,在湿润的身体上,大面积打圈,着重干燥部位(肘部、膝部、脚底)。
- But his arm is strange long, both hands crosses genu not only, and can stroke crus belly. 但他臂奇长,双手不仅过膝,而且能摸着小腿肚儿。
- Genu of a hurried is long after talking, siweimudi gave a think of a way: The shoe sells on the net. 一番促膝长谈之后,斯威姆提出了一个想法:网上卖鞋。
- Hand of the side outside right leg holds an ankle in arms, inside hand holds genu in the arms, breathe 1 times. 右腿外侧手抱住脚踝,内侧手抱膝,呼吸1次。
- Somebody is advocated recently this abusive reform, genu says jauntily: "From henceforth I can avoid trouble. 最近有人倡导将这个陋习改革,膝便洋洋得意地说:“从今后我可以免除烦劳了。
- Thereafter, slow and expiratory, at the same time arch back carries genu hits the specified number with genu. 尔后,缓慢呼气,同时拱背抬膝以膝触额。
- Objective:To improve the results of treatment of genu varum and genu valgum with an new technique of osteotomy. 目的:采用一种新的截骨术矫正膝内、外翻畸形,改善疗效。