- I'm Docile, gentle and soft and considerate. 我善良、温柔、善解人意。
- Be full of that warm and fragrant joke on the white and fluvial river embankment with gentle and soft people. 白河的河堤上充斥着那温馨的笑语和温柔的人们。
- I am a good Chinese lady, beautiful, kindness, optimism, gentle and soft, have the very strong responsibility. 我是一个很好的中国淑女,漂亮,温柔,仁慈,乐观,关心体贴,有很强的责任心。
- Who has esten up my porridge?"whispers Baby bear in a very gentle and soft voice. 谁吃了我的粥?小熊的声音又轻又细。
- A fond deam,a kind of A realfate,a gener at ions perest I will miss you for a gentle and soft mood. `````` 天使之恋 一个梦想,一种追求。一份真缘,一世挚。我将用一种温柔悳心情想你。
- I am vibrancy, movable and silent,kind,gentle and soft;I love travel and sports . 本人性格开朗,动静皆宜,性情温和,心地善良;喜欢旅游和运动。
- I am a gentle and soft fair lady, liking all fine things, loving to sing a song, dance, literature, love house, the love is living, is a traditional woman in a typical east. 我是一个温柔的淑女;喜欢所有美好的事物;爱唱歌;跳舞;文学;爱家;爱生活;是一个典型的东方传统的女人.
- Gentle and soft, generous is my pursue;Beauty, the docile is my dream.Most is support with encourages I am in the development on the business. 温柔,大方是我的追求;美丽,善良是我的梦想。最主要的是能支持和鼓励我在事业上的发展。
- Gentle and soft shell shell, the daring is clear and bright, passionate joys joys, very naughtily face, natural and unrestrained Ni Ni! 温柔的贝贝,胆大的晶晶,热情的欢欢,调皮的迎迎,潇洒的妮妮!
- I am an news announcer ,i had more tastes,more people say i m easy going ,i'd like nature, like travel, i m gentle and soft docile, alacrity, romantic, look ,this is me ... 我是一位新闻节目主播,爱好广泛,崇尚自然,喜欢旅游,善良正直,活的真实是我做人的宗旨,温柔,活泼,浪漫,又是我的天性,我就是这么一个人。。。。。。
- Noble material, elegant carvings craft, the marble pedestal of the superior quality noodles, plus a gentle and soft art to whet a sand light, show the classic, art and personal status of that bathroom cabinet to the utmost. 高贵的材质;精美的雕刻工艺;优质的大理石台面;恰如其分的加上温柔的艺术磨砂灯;尽显该浴室柜的经典;艺术与品位.
- My possibility not necessarily very beautiful, perhaps only several decis can let oneself feminine beauty of self-confidence, but have the prolific feeling, gentle and soft and delicate. 我可能不一定非常漂亮,也许只有几分可以让自己自信的姿色,但是却有着丰富的情感,温柔而细腻。
- Happiness always permeates gentle and softly by a kind of way that don't behave to know, meeting your shining spark life explosion, sweet so all over the place and since then. 幸福总是以一种不为人知的方式温柔地渗透,遇到你的光亮将生活点燃爆炸,甜美就这样铺天盖地而来。
- These were gentle and cleansing tears. 这是温柔而净化心灵的泪。
- This lady has always been gentle and cultivated. 这个女人素来温文尔雅。
- And Esme was so gentle, sotender and soft. 还是我比我想象的更坚强?
- English bees are gentle and inoffensive creatures. 英国蜜蜂是一种温顺的、不伤害人的生物。
- Marx was a loving, gentle and considerate father. 马克思是一位温和、慈祥、宽厚的父亲。
- He was a thoughtful fellow, gentle and encouraging. 他是个思想丰富的人,文雅而又鼓舞人。
- He was a very gentle and gracious youth. 他是一位非常斯文的,彬彬有礼的青年。