- genre analysis patterns 体裁分析模式
- Swales,J,M,Genre Analysis:English in Academic and Research setting.Cambridge University Press,1990. 李志雪;李绍山.;对国内英语写作研究现状的思考
- Genre analysis is helpful in overcoming prejudice and absolutization and significant for the development of constitutional jurisprudence study. 将类型化方法引入宪法学研究中有助于克服价值偏见及认识上的绝对化,对宪法学研究得以更大的发展具有重要意义。
- This research conducts the contrast of Chinese and English abstracts in sci-tech journals on the basis of genre analysis. 运用体裁分析理论对中英文摘要的体裁结构进行对比分析。
- Among these efforts, ESP genre analysis is considered as an effective way to help NNS speakers’ EAP writing (Hyland, 2003). 在他们的种种努力中,体裁分析被认为能有效地提高非英语国家科学家的英语写作水平 (Hyland, 2003)。
- This thesis conducts a genre analysis of the weblog within the theoretical framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). 然而,博客作为一种语篇类型尚未得到系统的研究。
- This paper makes a study of the schemata structure and the linguistic representation mode of the abstract in English in graduation theses of English majors with genre analysis theory. 摘要本文通过运用体裁分析法,对本科生毕业论文英文摘要的图式结构和语言体现两个方面进行研究。
- There are three traditions in genre analyses: ESP genre analysis, North American New Rhetoric studies and Australian Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). 本文以60篇随机抽样的中英社科学术论文为研究对象,以ESP体裁分析的语步分析法比较两者的宏观体裁结构,即引言、方法、结果和讨论及其体裁结构,试图分析属于同一体裁的汉英语篇之间的差异,同时也探求汉英语篇结构背后的不同社会文化因素。
- This research adopts the analysis pattern by Healy &Palepu (1990), the Taiwan area carries on the strategy alliance firm, from 2000 to 2005, the materials to carry on the empirical analysis. 本文采用Healy &Palepu (1990)分析模式,针对2000年至2005年台湾地区进行策略联盟厂商的资料进行实证。
- A Genre Analysis of Dissertation Acknowledgements 学术论文致谢的体裁分析
- The Theory of Text and Genre Analysis and its Applications 语篇、体裁分析理论及其应用
- The literary genre represented by novels. 以小说表出现的文学类型
- A Genre Analysis of Chinese and English Prefaces in Economic Books 经济类书籍中英文前言的体裁对比分析
- A Genre Analysis of Philanthropic Fundraising Letters 慈善筹款信的体裁分析
- Register Analysis, Genre Analysis and English Teaching 语域分析、体裁分析与英语教学
- The Role of Genre Analysis in the Teaching of Business English 体裁分析在商务语篇教学中的作用
- Genre Analysis for College-English Reading Instruction 体裁分析法与大学英语阅读教学
- Genre Analysis of Narrating in English Newspaper Hard News 英语报纸硬新闻的叙述体裁分析
- A Genre Analysis of Personal Ads in English Newspapers 英文报刊征婚(友)广告的体裁分析
- One who draws blood for analysis or transfusion. 放血医师为化验或输血而抽血的人