- In genetics experiments, it was difficult to get perfect drosophila salivary glandchromosomes for the students who followed the method in the prevailing experiment guidebook. 果蝇唾腺染色体制片技术是遗传学实验课中学生感觉困难较大的实验。用现行的实验方法不易得到理想的制片效果。
- It is proved that the innovation of the teaching mode of the genetics experiment has effectively improved the students' integrative diathesis. 实践证明:遗传学实验教学模式的改革,使学生的综合素质得到了有效的提高。
- After an unexplainable accident: genetic experiments with mutagen virus XB-4A had become out of contro... 在无法解释的意外事件之后,遗传基因实验室变得失去控制,里面充满了能诱导有机体突变的病毒XB-4A,你负责进入调查这一区域...
- He picked three of the other 237 proteins, and subjected them to a host of careful genetic experiments, proving they too truly play a role in HIV propagation. 他将新发现237种蛋白中挑选了3种,对其进行了许多仔细的遗传学实验,证实了它们确实在HIV的增殖中扮演某种角色。
- His genetic experiments established Barbados as perhaps the leading cane breeding station in the world, and made him in high demand throughout the Caribbean. 鲍威尔的遗传基因实验室在巴巴多斯的建立引导了世界范围内甘蔗培植实验站的兴起,从而使加勒比海地区甘蔗的供应量大大增加。
- One who specializes in genetics. 遗传学家在遗传学方面从事专门研究的人
- The five experiments gave quite disparate results. 这五次试验所获得的结果迥然不同。
- The results of the two experiments were conflated. 这两项实验的结果合并在一起了。
- Experiments have corroborated her predictions. 实验证实了她的预言。
- For example, a genetic experiment might hypothesize that the next generation of plants will exhibit a certain set of colors. 例如,某项遗传学实验假设下一代植物将呈现出某一组颜色。
- Traditional production technique of Drosophila salivary gland chromosome was quite difficulty to manipulate by students in genetic experiment. 果蝇唾腺染色体制片技术是遗传学实验中学生感觉困难较大的实验。
- Their experiments came to nothing in the end. 他们的实验以失败告终。
- A geneticist is a specialist in genetics. 遗传学家是遗传方面的专家。
- Experiments that paved the way for future research. 为将来的研究工作铺平了道路的实验
- Dr. Washington is a specialist in genetics. 华盛顿医生是遗传方面的专家。
- We drew this conclusion on the basis of experiments. 我们是在试验的基础上得出这个结论的。
- Charaka also knew the fundamentals of genetics. 查拉卡也知道遗传学的基本原理。
- The scientist is doing experiments no one has so far attempted. 科学家们正在作一项迄今为止没人做过的实验。
- Degree in crop breeding and genetics. 大田作物遗传和育种学博士。
- Proteins - Structure Function and Genetics. 蛋白质:结构、性能和遗传学。