- genetically modified pig organ 经过基因改良的猪器官
- Because of similarities between porcine and human organs, the techniques that made Xena may eventually create a supply of genetically modified pig livers that would be acceptable to the human immune system. 还由于猪和人体器官之间的相似性。 生物技术使茜娜有可能真正创造出转基因猪肝脏的供应源,这种器官有可能被人类免疫系统所接受。
- US scientists have genetically modified pigs so their fat is oozing with omega-3 fatty acids. 美国的科学家通过基因改良了猪,使它们的脂肪里蕴涵了omega-3脂肪酸。
- Should people produce genetically modified food? 人类应不应该制造基因改造食物呢?
- Have you ever heard of genetically modified food? 请问你有冇听过基因改造食物呢?
- Genetically modified organism cottonseed oil. 用转基因棉籽制取的油。
- Genetically modified vines worry French winemakers. 基因改变的松树使法国制酒者担忧。
- The genetically modified beasts did better. 其中通过基因改造的蚊子感染情况要好些。
- Genetically modified animal organs could begin to fill this need. 遗传性地修改动物器官可能开始满足这一需要。
- When a regular pig organ is attached to a person or a primate, the immune system destroys it within hours. 当正常的猪器官与人或灵长类相连接时,免疫系统在几小时内就会将这个器官破坏。
- The prevailing logic becomes even more strained when consideration turns to patenting a cell, or a genetically modified organ, or a whole animal. 要为一个细胞,一个通过基因改造的器官或是一个整体动物申请专利,则更难符合目前盛行的逻辑了。
- Do you think that genetically modified food needs to be labelled? 你认为基因改造食物有冇需要附上相关标签呢?
- Have you ever had a taste of genetically modified food? 你吃过转基因食品吗?
- If you know that the food is genetically modified, will you buy it? 如果你知道食物系基因改造,咁你会唔会买呢?
- Under what circumstances will you buy genetically modified food? 系乜情况下,你会买基因改造食物呢?
- Genetically modified food is a new subject to many people. 对很多人来说,基因改造食物是新事物。
- The prevailing logic becomes even more strained when consideration turns to patenting a cell or a genetically modified organ or a whole animal. 要为一个细胞,一个通过基因改造的器官或是一个整体动物申请专利,则更难符合目前盛行的逻辑了。
- Politics of genetically modified food, reproductive technologies, bioprospecting, organ transplant, online communities, or sampling. 转基因食品政治,复制技术,生物勘探,器官移植,在线团体或抽样。
- In 1996, two groups did field tests of genetically modified mites and worms. 1996年有两组科学家对转基因的螨虫和蠕虫做了野外试验。
- Pig organs are of a similar size to human organs, and some scientists hope they might be used to help meet the shortfall. 猪的器官大小与人的器官相似,一些科学家希望它们可用于弥补器官短缺问题。