- genetically modified bacteria 基因修饰细菌
- Should people produce genetically modified food? 人类应不应该制造基因改造食物呢?
- Have you ever heard of genetically modified food? 请问你有冇听过基因改造食物呢?
- Genetically modified organism cottonseed oil. 用转基因棉籽制取的油。
- Genetically modified vines worry French winemakers. 基因改变的松树使法国制酒者担忧。
- The genetically modified beasts did better. 其中通过基因改造的蚊子感染情况要好些。
- However, the genetically modified (GM) bacteria are not acceptable to use in food, medicine, and animal husbandry due to the presence of antibiotic resistance genes in plasmids. 这些微生物的克隆、表达载体往往含有1个或多个抗生素抗性筛选标记,其抗药性因子的可转移性将危害生物安全。
- Genetically modified animal organs could begin to fill this need. 遗传性地修改动物器官可能开始满足这一需要。
- Do you think that genetically modified food needs to be labelled? 你认为基因改造食物有冇需要附上相关标签呢?
- Have you ever had a taste of genetically modified food? 你吃过转基因食品吗?
- How a UK team is using specially modified bacteria to control Clostridium infections in chickens. 英国的研究队伍是怎样利用特殊的基因修饰细菌来控制鸡只感染梭状芽胞杆菌的。
- If you know that the food is genetically modified, will you buy it? 如果你知道食物系基因改造,咁你会唔会买呢?
- Any of various structurally modified bacteria,such as those occurring on the root nodules of leguminous plants. 类杆细菌一种在结构上已经改变了的细菌,如存在于豆科植物根部的根瘤菌
- Under what circumstances will you buy genetically modified food? 系乜情况下,你会买基因改造食物呢?
- Genetically modified food is a new subject to many people. 对很多人来说,基因改造食物是新事物。
- Any of various structurally modified bacteria, such as those occurring on the root nodules of leguminous plants. 类杆细菌一种在结构上已经改变了的细菌,如存在于豆科植物根部的根瘤菌
- Several Californian firms are also seeking to make advanced biofuels using modified bacteria. 几个加州的公司也在寻求运用改良过的细菌制造高级生物燃料。
- But opponents of genetically modified foods worry that splicing foreign genes (often from bacteria) into food plants through recombinant-DNA technology could lead to even nastier health surprises. 但是反对基因改造食物的人担心,利用DNA重组技术将外源基因(通常取自细菌)剪接到食用作物里,可能导致更严重的健康问题;
- In 1996, two groups did field tests of genetically modified mites and worms. 1996年有两组科学家对转基因的螨虫和蠕虫做了野外试验。
- Synthetic Genomics itself is a bit cagey about exactly which molecular products it is working on, but one of Dr Venter's interests is in using modified bacteria to make fuels. 合成染色体公司对该公司具体在研究哪种分子产品讳莫如深,但文特博士的兴趣之一就是利用改造过的细菌生产燃料。