- Molecular genetic markers and their application in entomology. 分子遗传标记技术及其在昆虫科学中的应用。
- The SSRs are multiallelic codominant genetic markers. 以此为基础发展起来的SSR标记是一种共显性分子标记,遗传多态性丰富。
- Genetic Markers and Their Application in Studying Phylogeny of Capsicum spp. 遗传标记技术及其在辣椒系统发育中的应用研究。
- Random mutations in the DNA sequence which act as genetic milestones or genetic markers. 任意变化在DNA序列作为基因里程碑或基因标志。
- The positive genetic markers lied at the HLA region around D6S276 both in the Chinese and in the Caucasian. 两群均在HLA区域尤其是D6S276附近存在连锁遗传标记;
- Isaacs noted.He hopes that additional research will reveal genetic markers of aggressive disease. 我希望随后的研究将揭示恶性疾病的遗传学标志。
- Conclusions:Short tandem repeats are the major genetic markers used in medicine. 结论:短串联重复序列是目前医学中应用的主要遗传标记。
- The Discovery, Inheritance and Utilization of Genic Male Sterility with Genetic Marker in Maize. 带遗传标记的玉米基因雄性不育的发现及遗传和利用研究。
- Some differences in EST and SOD were observed between the two groupers, which can be used as the species genetic markers. EST、SOD酶谱间存在不同程度的种间差异,可作为鉴定点带石斑鱼与褐点石斑鱼的遗传标记。
- Popular genetic markers in the aquaculture community include mitochondrial DNA,RFLP,RAPD,AFLP,microsatellite,SNP,and EST markers. 目前,在水产养殖种类中使用的遗传标记主要包括线粒体DNA、RFLP、RAPD、AFLP、微卫星、SNP和EST标记。
- The VDR-Bsm genotypes may be used as genetic markers in predicting their risk of developing DM in the Han nationality in Tianjin Area. VDR-Bsml可能是天津地区汉族人糖尿病的易感基因。 本课题探讨了DM的遗传机制,证明其发病和VDR基因有关,在分子水平阐明DM天津医科大学硕士学位论文的发病机制。
- The distribution of genetic markers at first appeared virtually indistinguishable across the Christian, Druze, and Muslim populations of Lebanon. 所有黎巴嫩人口中的基督徒、德鲁兹人和穆斯林的基因标识起初为不可辨别的虚拟图像。
- Categorizing types of cancers and other diseases through genetic markers has also gotten a boost from access to the human sequence. 利用基因标记将癌症及其他疾病分门别类的做法,也由于人类基因组序列的出现,而获得助益。
- The result of molecular genetic markers indicated by the RAPD-PCR is consistent with that of the studies on cytology and cytogenetics (chromosomes). RAPD-PCR分子遗传标记结果表明与细胞学、细胞遗传学部分研究的结果相一致。
- Single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) is another new genetic marker studied after human genome project. 单核苷酸多态性是在人类基因组计划后,进行研究的一项新的遗传标记。
- The results obtained will help improe our knowledge about host-parasite interactions, by means of identifying genetic markers signalling risk. 通过鉴定遗传标志物信号传导风险,已获得的结果增加了我们对于寄主-寄生虫相互作用的知识。
- Using genetic markers to adjust doses of calcineurin inhibitors may prove the effect of immunodepressants at a level of individual specificity. 用药前通过检测基因型来合理应用钙调蛋白酶抑制剂并有针对性的进行剂量调整,将有助于免疫抑制剂的个体化应用。
- Fixed effects included measured environmental factors and genetic markers, and random effects included unmeasured family cultural environment (i.e. 假设遗传因素和环境因素共同作用于疾病表型。
- Conclusion Y-specific STRs are good genetic markers for the purpose of analysis of genetic relationship between populations. 获得了成都汉族群体5个Y染色体特异STR基因座的等位基因频率。