- International Center of Genetic Epistemology 发生认识论国际中心
- The Genetic Epistemology of Information 信息发生认识论
- Genetic epistemology has its philosophical origins;it is based on the critical reflection on two main epistemological traditions: the empiricism and the rationalism. 发生认识论的建立有其深厚的哲学根源:它是在批判传统认识论中的经验主义和理性主义的基础上建立起来的。
- The Philosophical Origin of the Genetic Epistemology 发生认识论的哲学来源
- Theoretic Enlightements of Genetic Epistemology for Training Thinking 从发生认识论看思维训练
- The Construction and Development of Morphism: A Kind of Dynamic Formalization on Piaget's Genetic Epistemology 态射的建构与发展:发生认识论的一种动态形式化
- Explore the Mystery of the Origin of Human Thinking--Re-understanding of Genetic Epistemology 人类思维起源探秘--对发生认识论的再认识
- Genetic material produced by gene-splicing. 重组基因材料基因分割而产生的基因材料
- genetic epistemology 发生认识论
- He chose genetic engineering to be his lifelong career. 他选择了遗传工程学作为终生的事业。
- Epistemology is the theory of knowledge. 认识论是关于认识的理论。
- Dialectics and epistemology are the same thing. 辩证法、认识论是同一个东西。
- The genetic constitution of an individual, a group, or a class. 遗传构造一个个体、群体或阶层的遗传构造
- Mitochondria do not use the universal genetic code. 线粒体并不使用通用的遗传密码。
- An enzyme that catalyzes genetic recombination. 催化重级酶能催化基因重组的一种酶
- Genetic engineering will have revolutionaryconsequences for mankind. 遗传工程将对人类产生深远的影响。
- Most chromomeres contain a genetic unit. 绝大多数染色粒包含一个遗传单位。
- Cloning differs from genetic engineering. 克隆与基因工程不同。
- The application of this doctrine in logic,epistemology,and ethics. 实证哲学实证主义在逻辑学、认识论及伦理学中的运用。
- She accepts them as her genetic legacy. 她把它们作为与生俱来的财富接受了下来。