- What they found was a genetic abnormality. 他们发现的是一种基因的反常。
- There hae been no requests from couples seeking to select a child with a genetic abnormality. 尚无夫妇要求设法选择一个具有不同寻常的基因的孩子。
- "We cannot currently make their children better, but knowing that we found a genetic abnormality gies them an explanation for what has happened," she explains. “目前我们还不能使他们的孩子变好,但是他们知道了我们发现了一个基因异常,就等于给了一个究竟发生了什么的解释,”她解释到。
- Polygenic inheritance can sometimes mimic either dominant or recessive inheritance, and this feature may lead to erroneous conclusions regarding the type of underlying genetic abnormality. 多基因遗传疾病通常在显性遗传和隐性遗传中又是极其相似的,这些原因会误导对于基因类遗传疾病种类的判断.
- a genetic abnormality resulting in short stature. 天生身体矮小不正常。
- The scientists say the reason could be that older sperm is more likely to cause genetic abnormalities. 科学家表示这可能是因为年长男子的精子更有可能引起遗传性异常。
- Genetic diseases, such as polycystic kidney disease among others, and genetic abnormalities also run in families. 遗传性疾病如多囊肾,有明显的家族遗传性。
- The scientists say the reason could be that older sponererm is more likely to costcause genetic abnormalities . 科学家们说这个原因可能是年纪更大的精液导致遗传变异的可能性更大。
- AAH has been shown to have immunohistochemical, morphometric, flow cytometric and genetic abnormalities overlapping with adenocarcinoma. AAH在免疫组化,形态学,流式细胞计数,基因异常方面与腺癌有共同点。
- This paper reiews known and suspected causes of stillbirth including genetic abnormalities, infection, fetal-maternal hemorrhage, and a ariety of medical conditions in the mother. 这篇文章回顾了已知的和怀疑的造成死产的原因,包括母亲的遗传学的异常,感染,胎儿-母亲出血和不同的医疗条件。
- Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetus Genetic Abnormality by Fetoscopy 应用胎儿镜诊断胎儿先天异常
- A procedure in which a small sample of amniotic fluid is drawn out of the uterus through a needle inserted in the abdomen. The fluid is then analyzed to detect genetic abnormalities in the fetus or to determine the sex of the fetus. 羊膜穿刺术用针刺入腹腔以便从子宫中抽取少量羊水样品的步骤。随后对羊水进行分析,检测胎儿是否遗传异常或用以确定胎儿性别
- A disease or an abnormality of the nervous system. 神经病神经系统的疾病或异常状态下的神经系统
- Even animal clones that look healthy may have genetic abnormalities or be predisposed to a decreased life span because the cells used in the cloning process acquire DNA damage as they age. 即使看起来很健康的克隆生物也会携带畸形病变的基因,而且他们的寿命通常会比正常生物的要短,因为克隆过程中的细胞随着年龄的增长,DNA会逐渐遭到破坏。
- A disease or an abnormality of a joint. 关节病病变或或畸形的关节
- Even animal clones that look healthy may have genetic abnormalities or be predisposed to a decreased life span because the cells used in the cloning process acquire DNA damage as they age. 即使看起来很健康的克隆生物也会携带畸形病变的基因,而且他们的寿命通常会比正常生物的要短,因为克隆过程中的细胞随着年龄的增长,DNA会逐渐遭到破坏。
- This paper reviews known and suspected causes of stillbirth including genetic abnormalities, infection, fetal-maternal hemorrhage, and a variety of medical conditions in the mother. 这篇文章回顾了已知的和怀疑的造成死胎的原因,包括遗传学的异常,感染,胎儿-母亲出血和母亲的医疗条件不同。
- In recent years it has become possible to diagnose certain genetic abnormalities by investigation of fatal cells obtained in aspirated amniotic fluid and this has sometimes provided the opportunity to terminate pregnancy before the fetus is viable. 近年来已能通过检查吸取羊水中的胎儿细胞诊断一些遗传异常,并因此有时在胎儿成熟前终止妊娠。
- Genetic material produced by gene-splicing. 重组基因材料基因分割而产生的基因材料
- He chose genetic engineering to be his lifelong career. 他选择了遗传工程学作为终生的事业。