- The implicated premise, viz, semantic presupposition, are divided into existence presupposition, fact presupposition and generic presupposition. 摘要句子中的隐前提即语义预设,分为存在预设、事实预设和种类预设。
- Bail was refused on the presupposition of his guilt. 已料到他罪名成立而不准保释。
- generic presupposition 事实预设
- Implication is a more generic notion. 蕴涵是更为一般的概念。
- The first presupposition concerns the nature of Scripture. 第一项预设有关《圣经》的本质。
- The generic term for wine, spirits and beer is alcoholic beverages'. 葡萄洒、 烈性洒、 啤酒的通称是酒类饮料。
- Generic programming is a special paradigm in C++. 泛型编程是C++特殊的编程思维模型。
- Defines methods to manipulate generic collections. 定义操作泛型集合的方法。
- Deploy a File When You Run the Generic Test. 在运行一般测试时部署文件。
- The constraining interface can also be generic. 约束接口也可以是泛型的。
- Presupposition is a very important concept in Semantics and Pragmatics. 预设或前提是语义学与语用学中的一个很重要的概念。
- To run the test now, see Run the Generic Test. 若要立即运行测试,请参见运行一般测试。
- The current method is not generic. 当前方法不是泛型。
- The current type is not generic. 当前类型不是泛型类型。
- JScript does not support generic types or methods. JScript不支持泛型类型或方法。
- Presupposition is an important research subject in semantics and pragmatics. 预设是语义学和语用学的一个重要研究课题。
- The Delphi Data Structure Generic Class Library. 范型数据结构类库
- The generic event factory is unchanged. 通用事件工厂不变。
- It is obviously the later is the argumentative presupposition of the former. 后者显然为前者的论证前提。
- Specifies that this is a generic interface. 指定这是一个泛型接口。