- In generalized case I donot lent he. Money. 一般情况下我不借给他钱。
- The expressions obtained are rather formidable in the general case. 一般情况下所得到的这些表达式是相当庞大的。
- It is impossible to prove a theory to be correct in the general case. 从广义上说,证明一个理论是正确的是不可能的。
- The more general case of a tensor field is similar but more complicated. 较普遍的张量场情况大致相似,但是更为复杂。
- The combustion excitation for this more general case comes from more than one source. 对于更一般的情况来说,燃烧激励的来源不只一个。
- The results are cumbersome and the formulas in the general case cease to be useful. 其结果很繁而其公式在一般情况是不再有用的。
- Categories are good for general case matches, but if you need to be more specific you can make use of character blocks. 类别适合于一般情况匹配,但是如果您需要更加特定的话,可以使用字符块。
- In that case you'll have to clear yourself. 那样,你只得自行辩白了。
- The more general case, when the shaft rotation may be significant, is dealt with in chapter 6. 在较为一般的情况下,轴的旋转可能有显著影响,这种情况将在第六章中讨论。
- As motivation for the general case, let us consider first the special case of the equation. 暂时撇开一般情况,我们首先考虑此方程的特殊情况。
- In the most general case the thermal conductivity is a tensor with six components. 在最一般的情况下,热导率是一个具有六个分量的张量。
- In the following analysis, the general case is considered wherein both variations are involved. 在以下的分析中,考虑两者都变化的一般情形。
- In this case, let's start earlier. 既然这样,我们就早点开始。
- None of us had ever set eyes on a generator before. 我们过去谁也没看见过发电机。
- Paz, an intelligent and harassed man, began by setting forth the general case for revolution with fluency and candour. 帕斯是一个聪明的和饱经忧患的人,他开始滔滔不绝地、坦率地谈起革命的一般情况。
- We have an auxiliary generator in case of power cuts. 我们有一台万一断电时使用的备用发电机。
- Similarly velocity may vary and in the general case both surfaces may be considered as moving. 相仿地,速度也可以是变化的,且一般情况下可认为两表面都在运动。
- The generator shuts off automatically. 这台发动机能自动停止运转。
- Throw a MissingMemberException if you are only interested in capturing the general case of a missing member error. 如果只对捕获缺少成员这样的一般错误情况感兴趣,则引发MissingMemberException。
- Featherbedding will certainly increase unit costs and, in the general case, prices too. 一般情况下,超额雇工肯定将增加单位成本,并将提高价格。