- Generation of Random Number and it's Application in JAVA JAVA语言随机数的产生及其应用
- generation of random numbers 乱数的产生
- generation of random number 随机数产生
- Using this method can greatly speed up the generation of random target array and obtain a characteristic better than that of a cross array. 利用这种技术可以大幅度提高随机日标阵列的生成速度,由此得到的随机目标比十字阵列有更好的特性。
- Through analyse the reference[1],we found tenderer’s bids may be leaked that because of the producing course of random numbers which are used to test bids have some faults. 摘要 通过对文献[1]的分析,我们发现其方案中用于检验竞拍者标价的随机数的产生过程存在着安全隐患,这将导致竞拍者的标价提前泄露。
- Ui was given by a Gaussian random number generator of mean zero and standard deviation Arel*G0i, where Arel =0.02. 上面是国外一篇文献上的一段关于一组离散数据添加高斯白噪声的原文。
- Gene drift in genetic resources during the alternation of generations is simulated by imitating the process of random sampling with the random number produced by computer. 用计算机产生的随机数来模仿随机抽样过程 ,对种质资源世代更替中基因漂变进行了模拟。
- The program generates a number of different types of random numbers with the Random object simply by calling different methods: nextInt( ),nextLong( ),nextFloat( ) or nextDouble( ). 通过Random对象,程序可生成许多不同类型的随机数字。做法很简单,只需调用不同的方法即可: nextInt(),nextLong(),nextFloat()或者nextDouble()。
- A method of obtaining an approximate solution to a numerical problem by the use of random numbers, e. g., the random walk method, or a procedure using a random number sequence to calculate an integral. 通过使用随机数获得数值问题近似解的一种方法,例如随机移动法以及用一随机数列计算一个积分的方法。
- The program generates a number of different types of random numbers with the Random object simply by calling different methods: nextInt( ), nextLong( ), nextFloat( ) or nextDouble( ). 通过random对象,程序可生成许多不同类型的随机数字。 做法很简单,只需调用不同的方法即可:nextInt(),nextLong(),nextFloat()或者nextDouble()。
- It this paper, a new design method of multilayered mirrors as reflector for soft X-rays is proposed.It based on the traditional recurrence relation method, with calculation of random numbers. 摘要在循环递推法基础上加入随机数运算,得到一种简易、精度高、有较高实用价值的多层发射膜设计方法。
- This paper introduces several methods to generate random numbers and their advantages and shortcomings, and at last realizes the application of random numbers in the field of“ online lotting system”. 本文介绍了几种常见随机数的产生方法以及其优缺点,最后实现了“在线抽签系统”中的应用。
- One generation of a specific lineage. 一代家族某种特殊世家的后代
- Finally, several groups of random numbers were produced with MATLAB to simulate TTCI values when cracks propagated, with which correctness and rationality of theoretical deduction were verified. 利用MATLAB生成几组随机数来模拟参考裂纹尺寸和应力水平不同时的裂纹形成时间(TTCI)值,并以此检验了理论推导的正确性和合理性。
- Sets the seed of the random number generator. 设置随机种子发生器。
- The waterfall can be used for the generation of electricity. 这瀑布可用以发电。
- Another 20 Wister rats were also divided into HIR group and HIR+PDTC gro up by means of random number table,in which the dynamic changes of ALT and the s urvival rate were observed. 另取大鼠20只,亦随机数字表法分为HIR组和PDTC保护组,观察ALT动态变化及生存率。
- The oncoming generation of students are seeking new goals. 新一代的学生在寻求新的目标。
- Returns a random number of type. 类型的随机数。
- She counts among the most gifted of the current generation of composers. 她算是当代最有才华的一位作曲家。