- McKinnon said that he began an interest in aliens called "Inside" Project Network Forum. 麦金农说,他对外星人的兴趣始于一个名为“揭密工程”的网络论坛。
- Based on the relationship between WBS and project network,the hierarchical network planning model,method and strategy were proposed. 然后,在考虑工作分解结构与网络图工序之间对应关系的基础上,提出了基于工作分解结构的跨企业项目多级网络计划生成模型、方法和策略;
- Visual Studio cannot generate project files for an application. Visual Studio无法生成应用程序的项目文件。
- Using work breakdown structure method and network plan technology to make out project plan and draw project network plan chart and drawing project gantt chart. 采用工作分解结构法和网络计划技术制定了项目计划,绘制了项目网络计划图及项目甘特图。
- Chen-Tung Chen and Sue-Fen Huang, 2007, Applying fuzzy method for measuring the criticality in project network, Information Sciences, 177, pp.2448-2458 ( SCI ). 陈振东、戴伟胜、林嵩富,2006,新词发掘于资讯推荐系统应用之研究,联大学报,第三卷,第二期,第160-178页。
- Applicable to general projects and home decoration. 适用于一般工程和家居装潢。
- Based on the analysis of knowledge management requirements and the ability of project network,a new approach to construct the unified and independent knowledge platform in CICS environment is proposed by employing the topic map(TM) techniques. 在对CICS环境下知识管理的需求和网络图能力的分析基础上 ,提出了利用TopicMaps技术构造CIS环境下统一、独立的知识平台的思想。
- Based upon the design of the project network MIS of the JINSAN electric group, we should discuss the design transact and computer communication programs that are under the windows program method and can run in the network surroundings. 并根据金山电气集团公司宝分公司企业网络数据库管理系统的实际设计过程,论述了用视窗化编程方法,设计能在网络环境下运行并处理与多机通信软件的过程。
- For a project network with two or more paths with similar lengths, PERT will not be able to give accurate estimates of the mean duration and the duration for a given confidence level. 若是网路中包含了两条或数条相近之要径天数路径,则PERT就无法确切预估某信心水准下完工之天数与平均完工天数。
- The following code example shows a project setting several items and properties and importing a general project file. 下面的代码示例演示一个设置几个项和属性并导入通用项目文件的项目。
- Provide all the required support to the General Project Manager off-site for the realization of the project. 为项目的实施,向项目总经理提供所有需求帮助。
- Auditing project plan and arrange the priority of the projects. Be responsible for the general project plan. 审核公司项目工程计划,协调各项目的优先顺序,对公司的总体项目计划负责。
- Data warehouse architects, CRM managers, hardware/firmware engineers and a generic project manager classification rounded out the top five. 排在其后的分别是数据库架构师、客户关系管理经理、软硬件工程师和项目经理等。
- The pop stars generally project a healthy image, despite their funky stage looks. 巨星们通常都有一个健康的形象,尽管他们在台上的形象都很令人“胆战心惊”。
- This page reports on some of the more recent progress on my veg oil fuelled generator project. 这页的报告中的一些最近进展我国蔬菜石油燃料发电机项目。
- By default, Resources.Designer. Vb (and a number of other automatically generated project files) is hidden from view in Solution Explorer. 默认情况下;MyResources.;vb(以及许多其他自动生成的项目文件)对解决方案资源管理器中的视图是隐藏的。
- As an extension, the branch-and-bound algorithm put forward in this paper can solve this kind of general project scheduling problems with optimality. 作为对前人研究结果的进一步推广,我们利用分枝定界技术,以及事件驱动的时间增量方式,成功地获得了这种一般的项目调度问题的最优解。
- Critical path for an interval project network 区间数计划网络的关键路问题研究
- By changing the Character Set in the general project settings to "Use Multi-Byte Character Set" the sample can be compiled for earlier Windows platforms. 通过将常规项目设置中的“字符集”更改为“使用多字节字符集”,可以将此示例进行编译以用于早期的Windows平台。