- Last,the paper also discussed that"you+VP" wasn"t still generalized completely owing to existence of the perfective of "liao" in language system. 文章还稍加论述了“有+VP”还没有完全普通化是由于我们的语言系统中有个表示完成体的“了”的存在。
- In Boolean operator fuzzy logic, the generalized lock resolution is generalized complete if the same predicate symbols Rave the same index. 在布尔算子模糊逻辑中 ;当相同谓词符号配相同锁时 ;广义锁归结方法是广义完备的 .
- A write-off is generally completely removed from the balance sheet. 销掉的帐目一般会完全从资产负债表中删去。
- This is an extreme case, generally complete extinction does not occur. 这是一种极限情况,一般说来,并不致发生完全熄火。
- In a few years now, I will be bowing out, my task of producing another generation complete. 再过几年,我将正式引退。我生产下一代的任务完成了。
- Use of this drug is now fairly generalized. 这种药现在用得相当普遍。
- In traditional plan system falls, labor theory of value became the thing of a kind of deal in generalities completely. 在传统的计划体制下,劳动价值论完全成了一种概念化的东西。
- Theorem of nested closed interval in R~1 is generalized to generic complete metric space. The theorem in R~n is its particular case. The theorem of accumulation point in R~n can proved by theorem of nested interval in R~n. 从两个方面对实数集R1上的闭区间套定理进行了推广;得到了一般完备度量空间上的闭区间套定理;而一般实数集Rn空间上的闭区间套定理为其特例;并利用Rn空间上的闭区间套定理得到了Rn空间上的聚点定理.
- Observed a state of generalized discontent. 观察一个有普遍不满情绪的国家
- Generalized Complete Distrubutive Lattice 广义完全分配格
- The lawyer checked the document for its completeness. 律师检查文件是否完整。
- The degrees of automation being used today in MDD vary from deriving simple skeleton code to generating complete automatic code which is comparable to traditional compilation. 与传统的编码相比较,目前在MDD中使用自动化操作的程度不同于从简单框架代码到完全自动的产生代码。
- Generalized Complete Minimal Sets 广义完全极小集
- Two-component polyurethane silicone rubber polysulfide rubber chloroprene rubber and epoxy resin sealant of this type are generally completed at room temperature vulcanization. 双组分的聚氨酯、硅橡胶、聚硫橡胶、氯丁橡胶和环氧树脂密封胶都属于这一类,一般在室温条件下完成硫化。
- generalized completely distributive lattice 广义完全分配格
- When will my completeness be breached? 而我的完好在何时破裂?
- The completeness of the requirements. 要求的整体性。
- Included here for historical code set completeness. 将它罗列在这里只是为了保持历史代码集合的完整性。
- He generalized from that accident and said that all women are bad driver. 他因那次车祸而下结论说所有女性都不善于开车。
- Combien de tissu faut-il pour un complet? 做一套西服需要多少料子?