- Change general settings on a list Manage Lists right. 更改列表的常规设置“管理列表”的权限。
- Options,Security Options,General Settings,Lock Handheld Upon Holstering:Yes. 8100本身就有这项功能。
- The generating set alarm is of audible visual type. 机组报警具有声光报警功能。
- On the Customize Incentives page, in the General Settings section, click Change permissions for this list. 在“自定义激励”页的“常规设置”部分中,单击“更改此列表的权限”。
- Under General settings, modify the Number of functions in Summary view setting. 在“常规设置”下,修改“‘摘要’视图中的函数数目”设置。
- Color of the shadow when shadow fonts are enabled. You can enable the shadow fonts on the general settings. 颜色的这阴影当阴影字型是能够。你能够启动这阴影字型在这一般的配置。
- Commands and options in General settings might be different from those in Web Development settings. 常规设置和Web开发设置中的命令和选项可能不同。
- General settings of this document library include its name, description, and security. 文档库的常规设置,包括名称,说明和安全性。
- The visit of the notorious ex-fascist general set off a nationwide demonstration in that country. 那个臭名昭著的前法西期将军的访问,在那个国家引起了全国范围的抗议示威。
- Instead, there is a generic set of name-value pairs. 取而代之的是一组通用的名-值对。
- The visit of the notorious ex - fascist general set off a nationwide demonstration in that country. 那个臭名昭著的前法西期将军的访问,在那个国家引起了全国范围的抗议示威。
- Requirements of diesel generator sets fo. 通信专用柴油发电机组技术要求。
- This outline represents the general set of steps each of our build processes follow. 下面的要点表示了每次构建过程都应该遵循的一般步骤。
- In evolution, a generation sets the time scale. 在进化中,一代有固定的时间尺度。
- Use this page to change the general settings associated with this keyword. Click the tabs to change other settings related to this keyword. 使用此页面可更改与此关键字关联的常规设置。单击标签可更改与此关键字相关的其他设置。
- Use this page to change the general settings associated with this keyword. Click the tabs above to change other settings related to this keyword. 使用此页面可更改与此关键字关联的常规设置。单击上面的标签可更改与此关键字相关的其他设置。
- We shall study double integrals over more general sets in the plane. 我们将研究定义在平面上更一般的集合中的二重积分。
- Use this page to change the general settings associated with this keyword best bet. Click the tabs above to change other settings related to this item. 使用此页面可更改与此关键字最佳匹配关联的常规设置。单击上面的标签可更改与此项目相关的其他设置。
- Effective shock absorber can make sure that generator set runs steady. 高效减震装置能确保发电机组平稳运行。
- Use this page to change the general settings associated with this news item. Click the tabs above to change other settings related to this item. 使用此页面可更改与此新闻项目关联的常规设置。单击上面的标签可更改与此项目相关的其他设置。