- The old man is in charge of general affairs. 那位年纪大的人负责总务后勤。
- This is our General Affairs Department. 何济于事?
- He is in charge of the general affairs. 他管总务。
- Are you calling Mr. Wang in the General Affairs Department? 你是打给总务部的王先生吗?
- This section has been merged into the general affairs department. 这个科已裁并到总务处。
- It may become a generational affair. 这变成几代人的事情。
- Coordinator to internal &external auditor, &general affairs with tax bureau, bank etc. 协调内部及外部审计,及与税局、银行等一般事务。
- Welcome parents to donate gifts for drawings! Please contact General Affairs group for your donations. 更欢迎家长捐赠礼物做为奖品;请通知总务组您要捐赠的礼物以做抽奖的准备.
- Those who were not issued workclothes last time can get them at the general affairs office now. 上次没领到工作服的, 现由总务处补发。
- Intel admits last week, a when spokesman of legal general affairs described fair trade commission " demur states " . 上周英特尔认可,法令事务讲话人形容了公允商业委员会的一份“异议声明”。
- Textbook Purchase: For our new students, please go in person to the General Affairs Office for registration and payment of these books. 本学期新转入的学生,若欲购买外语部教科书,请自行至总务处登记购买。
- Body: Bro. Ng Yee Keat was employ as full time General Affair Assistant for JB Church. 黄毅杰弟兄已招聘为新山教会全职总务助理。
- Bro. Ng Yee Keat was employ as full time General Affair Assistant for JB Church. 黄毅杰弟兄已招聘为新山教会全职总务助理。
- The quarter of financial general affairs and administrative expenses glides, because equity rewards defray and expert charge,basically glide. 金融界总务和行政支出的季度下滑,主要由于股权奖励支出和专家费用下滑。
- Chen Tien-chai, who is in charge of general affairs at the folk arts village, is a collector of curios and a cultivator of plants. 图3:民俗村总干事陈添财是一个古物收藏家,也是一个盆景栽培家。
- You will need to manage production and production scheduling, inventory control, manpower and shipment scheduling, administration and general affairs. 负责生产计划安排和车间管理、库存控制、人力资源、出货计划、行政和总务工作。
- Comrade Deng Xiaoping has said, learn carelessly, at general affairs, the thought is met vulgarization, that is a critical starting point. 邓小平同志说过,不注意学习,忙于事务,思想就会庸俗化,那就是一个危险的起点。
- Week of alleged homemaking value is made, it is to point to the system that every student is participated in every week and runs domestic general affairs. 所谓家政值周制,是指每个学生每周参与和治理家庭事务的制度。
- The system of purchase in general affaire is a neutral part in the school. 然而,在网际网路蓬勃发展的今天,使用浏览器来当作使用者的操作介面,已是相当普遍。
- There are 8 staff members in the General Affairs Sectionof TEDA Administrative Commission. Secretarial Section Assets Management Section Logistic Service Supervision Section Archives Section. 天津开发区管委会综合科有8名工作人员。