- Colour secret sharing scheme for general access structures 一般接入结构上的彩色视觉密码方案
- A Multi-secret Sharing Scheme with General Access Structures Based on a Geometric Property 基于几何性质一般访问结构上的多重秘密共享方案
- Secret Sharing Scheme with General Access Structures Based on LUC and its Security 基于LUC一般访问结构上的秘密共享方案及其安全性
- general access structures 一般访问结构
- There was a library in Coketown, to which general access was easy. 焦煤镇有一个图书馆,大家都可以随便进去。
- general access structure 一般访问结构
- A secret sharing scheme with access structures is proposed, which is based on LUC public key cryptosystem. 摘要基于LUC公钥密码体制提出了一个访问结构上的秘密共享方案。
- How can I access structure fields by name at run time? 在运行时如何使用名称访问结构体成员?
- In some cases, it is convenient to let specific nonmember functions access the private members of a class while still preventing general access. 在某些情况下,允许特定的非成员函数访问一个类的私有成员,同时仍然阻止一般的访问,这是很方便做到的。
- General access to the master bedroom only to use soft light-coloured carpet give warm comfortable feeling that corridor aisle are advised to use monochromatic visible blanket. 卧室一般只有主人出入,应选用柔和浅色地毯给人以温馨舒适之感,走廊过道宜选用单色条状毯。
- Generic Access Profile Telecom, common set of features for DECT handset. 通用访问协议,用于电信等公共手持设备。
- The thesis focus on the NIST industry standard of RBAC: ANSI/INCITS 359-2004, approved on Feb. 19, 2004.GFAC and FLASK are general access control frameworks used widely, but none of them is accepted by the mainstream operating system. 论文主要介绍的是2004年2月19日通过的RBAC工业标准:ANSI/INCITS 359-2004。
- Applications that define private securable objects can also use the generic access rights. 定义私有安全对象的应用程序还可以使用这些一般访问权限。
- How to build the next generation access network from component, system, and service providers? 由组件提供者、系统提供者以及网络营运商来看,他们又是要怎样去实现未来的接取网络架构?
- The menu option "Adjustments" is only partially generally accessible. 菜单功能“调整”只有部分能够进入。
- Securable objects use the four high-order bits of the Windows 2000 and Windows NT access mask format to specify the generic access rights. 安全对象使用Windows 2000和Windows NT访问掩码格式的四个高序位来指定一般访问权限。
- Gunner Jones was praised by the general. 炮手琼斯受到了将军的表扬。
- The optimizer avoids generating access plans using the hash distinct algorithm if it detects that a low memory situation may occur during query execution. 如果优化程序检测到在查询执行过程中可能会出现内存不足的情况,它将避免使用非重复散列算法生成访问计划。
- Please give me a general idea of the work. 请告诉我这项工作的梗概。
- My general impression was that it was quite good. 大致上我觉得那相当好。