- gender influencing factors 软件技术
- It is good to analyze influencing factors of ARI by GEE1. 用GEE1可以很好地对家庭呼吸道疾病的影响因素进行分析。
- Temperature is an important influencing factor of the OCS. 温度是影响接触网运行状态的一个重要因素。
- Transpiration of Tea Plants on Red Soil Slopes and Its Influencing Factors. 红壤坡地茶园蒸腾及其影响因子研究。
- The major influence factors for health care status of the inhabitants and the demand for health care included gender, age, health care system. 影响居民健康状况及卫生服务需求的因素主要有性别、年龄、医疗保健制度等。
- Influencing factors on contract ratio of emulsion paints are discussed. 讨论了影响乳胶漆对比率的各种因素。
- Operating characteristic, influencing factors and evolutive foreground o... 讨论了电化学制备方法的特点、影响因素和发展前景。
- Influence Factors of Exchange Rate? 影响汇率变动的因素?
- The influencing factors or the mechanism and radiolysis products are reviewed. 并就辐照降解技术的影响因素、机制和辐解产物的分析方法等内容加以综述。
- Thus, the influence factors of shale on C/O... 经校正后的碳氧比值可以准确地求取储层的含油饱和度。
- Analysis on Social Influence Factors of C.T. 民族地区
- This text is a review on hydrolytic mechanism and influencing factors of PLAs. 本文对聚乳酸类降解材料的水解机理、影响水解的因素进行了综述。
- By non-conditional Logistic regression model,it revealed that age of child,gender,father′s education,and the only child or not were the mainly influence factors of child toco,eg. 多变量非条件logistic回归分析表明 ,儿童年龄、性别、父亲文化程度、独生子女与近 1个月以来儿童挨打以及多次挨打相关 ,其中儿童年龄越小、男童、父亲文化程度低、非独生子女是危险因素 ;
- Objective To study the mental health of the ICU nurses and influencing factors. 目的了解ICU护士心理健康状况及其影响因素。
- Analysis on Influencing Factors of Q Value and its Parametrization[J]. 引用该论文 Huang Changchun;Li Yunmei;Sun Deyong;Le Chengfeng.
- Tread pattern is an important influencing factor on tire performance. 摘要胎面花纹是影响轮胎性能的重要因素。
- Influencing factors in pluralistic clinical nursing teaching and its countermeasures. 影响临床护理兼职教学的因素及对策。
- A analysis of the influencing factors of responsibility assessment for homicide cases. 凶杀案件主体责任能力评定影响因素分析。
- The study on changes of serum gastrin level and its influencing factors in carcinogenesis of gastric mucosa. 胃黏膜癌变过程中血清胃泌素水平的变化及其影响因素的研究。
- Clinical study of influencing factors of electrocardiogram in patients with brain-heart syndrome. 脑心综合征心电图变化影响因素的临床研究。