- Education should be geared to the children's needs and abilities. 教育应适应儿童的需要和能力。
- The driven gear fits its driving gear like a glove. 这个从动齿轮与它的主动轮啮合得非常好。
- I hop you are all geared up for the mew sales campaign. 我希望你们都为新的销售活动做好准备。
- My whole morning's work has been put out of gear by that mishap. 我一个上午的工作全让这倒霉的事给弄得乱了套。
- Industry must be geared to wartime needs. 工业必须调整以适应战时需要。
- They geared up for the new season's production. 他们为新的一个季度的生产作好准备。
- The politician geared his platform to the mob. 政客使自己的政治纲领迎合平民大众的口味。
- All his camping gear was packed in the rucksack. 他的野营物品全都放在背囊里了。
- Put the gear lever in the neutral position. 把变速杆推到空挡的位置。
- Should change gear the engine's starting to labour. 你该换挡了--发动机有些吃不住劲了。
- The car has four forward gear and one reverse gear. 那汽车有四个前进挡和一个倒挡。
- Our effort is gear to a higher level of production. 我们调整力量将生产推向更高的水平。
- My watch got out of gear and would not run. 我的表出毛病了,它不走了。
- If you try to start off in top gear you'll stall. 要是刚一发动就用最高挡,那就会熄火。
- We portaged our gear around the rapids. 我们把装备转由陆上运输以绕过湍滩。
- Take your foot off the clutch after changing gear. 换档之後,脚离离合器。
- Everything is in gear for the visit. 为这次访问所做的准备工作一切就绪。
- The speaker suddenly changed gear. 演讲者突然改变了调子。
- The plumber stowed all his gear in a canvas bag. 管子工把他所有的工具都装进一只帆布袋里。
- This factory makes high speed gear shapers. 这个工厂制造高速齿轮造形机。