- ball piston type hydraulic motor 球塞式液压马达
- The Design and Study of a New Type Hydraulic Motor with Planet Pinwheel Cycloid 一种新型的行星针轮摆线液压马达设计研究
- Damaged reasons analysis about ahead blind flange of NJM-10 type hydraulic motor and its repair NJM-10型液压马达前盖板损坏原因分析及修复
- Structure Optimization for Hydrostatic Supporting Bush of Crank Shaft and Rod Type Hydraulic Motor 曲轴连杆式液压马达静压支承连杆瓦结构优化
- Ningbo Zhongyi Hydraulic motor Co., Ltd. 宁波中意液压马达有限公司。
- Ningbo intermot hydraulic motor co., Ltd. 宁波英特姆液压马达有限公司。
- The crowned teeth gear circumferential restriction gear pair is an important part of the differential hydraulic motor with bevel gear transmission. 鼓形齿轮周向限制副是锥差式液压马达的重要部件,鼓形齿轮的加工质量直接关系到周向限制副的各项性能指标。
- If Gear type method is employed to atmospheric chemical model, chemical kinetic model and sensitivity analysis, the prediction matrix is an unsymmetric matrix. 若用吉尔型法求解大气化学模式、动力学模式和灵敏度分析时,预估矩阵是不对称矩阵。
- helical type hydraulic steering gear 螺旋式液压操舵装置
- The slewing mechanism consists of hydraulic motor and worm speed reducer. 回转机构由液压马达及蜗轮蜗杆减速器组成。
- Many manufacturers of hydraulic motors, gear boxes, slewing bearingssleing ringsother products what we need in China. 液压马达, 回转之承, 齿轮箱及其他我们需要的产品的中国生产厂家。
- The radial piston pump with boot slider is a kind of new type hydraulic pump, which is developed by Germany Bosch CO. 滑靴式径向柱塞变量泵是一种新型结构的液压泵,是德国Bosch公司在20世纪80年代研制成功的产品。
- Abstract The paper gives out structure of tilting pin type hydraulic forging die for producing frame of shaker. 给出了震动器机壳斜销式液锻模具设计结构。
- And then, according to the CCAR-25-R3, carry through the collectivity designing of the CJ818 landing gear, including landing gear type, main geometry parameters, load computing and wheel design. 接着对CJ818的起落架依照CCAR-25-R3进行总体设计,包括起落架的型式、主要几何参数、载荷计算和机轮设计等。
- BJQ63/0.6 hydraulic Motored pump is one of the power sources. 6型液压机动泵是各液压工具的动力源之一。
- Such a machine distinguished from an electric,spring-driven,or hydraulic motor by its use of a fuel. 燃料发动机因其使用燃料而与电动、发条驱动或液压发动机而区别的机械装置。
- The new type hydraulic prop reduces the accidents due to the seal leaking by using seal-compensation and seal-swelling, and reduces seal change times and maintenance times. 新型液压支柱采用密封补偿和密封胀紧等密封方式,可减少因密封泄漏而造成的冒顶等事故隐患,减少密封更换次数及维修次数。
- This paper introduces the improving process of outside pour type hydraulic prop.It can reduce labour strength,raise pressure text safety and work efficiency. 介绍了外注式单体液压支柱试压头的改造过程,对其进行改进可以降低劳动强度,提高试压安全性能和劳动效率。
- Foreign companies have a good smooth channels, to provide various kinds of imported hydraulic motor (KAWASAKI. 南京马洛派力自动化设备有限公司是专业从事进口液压、气动元件的代理公司。