- gave chapter and verstv. 说明出处(提供确切依据)
- given chapter and verstv. 说明出处(提供确切依据)
- She failed to give chapter and verse for her charge that he had taken brides. 她指控他受贿,却没能提供确凿的证据。
- Give Chapter and Verse and Author for Transshipment,copy or other using. 转载请注明出处、作者,谢谢合作。
- I can give you chapter and verse about that night. 我可以把那天夜里的情况详细地告诉你。
- I can't give chapter and verse, but that's the rough outline of our legal position. 我无法提供准确细节,但那是我们所处法律地位的大致情况。
- All copyright reserved by owner, transshipment/excerpt please give chapter and verse for this blog. 博客文章所有版权归旗木朔茂所有,允许自由转载、引用,但请注明出处。
- How to Use the Library the passages are digestes from http:// www. skylg. cn/, the press rights belong to the authers, please give chapter and verse for transshipping! 本文是一篇典型的说明文。文中第一段简单描述了一个图书馆的基本布局。第二段则介绍了如何使用图书馆的设施。要熟悉并掌握与图书馆有关的常用词语。
- Skip the first chapter and start on page 25. 跳过第一章,从第25页开始看。
- He gave me chapter and verse to prove the value of this program. 他振振有词,有根有据地向我证明这项计划的价值。
- But it has prepared a helpful booklet denouncing Mr McCain, which gives chapter and sometimes tendentious verse on policies of which its members might disapprove. 但却准备好了一份足以让麦凯恩难堪的宣传手册,其中包括一些涉及方针政策的章节和带有倾向性的诗歌,对于这些内容,一些工会成员可能会颇有微词。
- I can't quote chapter and verse but I can give you the main points the author was making. 我无法引用确切的原文,但是我可以告诉你作者所述的要点。
- I can not quote chapter and verse but I can give you the main point which the author was making. 我不能一字不漏地引用原话,但我可以告诉你作者的主要观点。
- She could quote any chapter and verse easily. 她能够毫不费力地引用任何章节和句子。
- quote chapter and verstvt. 说明出处(提供确切依据)
- Skipthe first chapter and start on page 25. 跳过第一章,从第25页开始看。
- The instruction gives you chapter and verse. 使用说明给出了所有细节。
- He could recite the prose chapter and verse. 他能一字不漏地背诵那篇散文。
- You must give me chapter and verse for your charge that he has been stealing. 你指控他偷窃,你就得给我确凿的证据。
- They clinched their arguments with Biblical chapter and verse. 他们引述《圣经》的章节来立论。