- The risks involve in gathering honey require professional training. 采蜜工作具有一定的危险性,所以工作人员一定要经过专业的训练才行。
- He who would gather honey must brave the sting of bees. 想采到蜜必须不怕蜂蜇。
- If you want to gather honey, don't kick over beehive. 如果你想酿蜜,那么就不要踢翻蜂箱!
- A beekeeper, seeing the bee collect pollen from flowers and carry it to the hive, says that it exists to gather honey. 一个养蜂人看见蜜蜂从花里收集花粉,带去蜂房,就说蜜蜂为了采蜜而存在。
- Flowers is love blossoms in the wind, open up, so that more Dielianhua, bees gather honey, do not scatter, whom grief. 花儿就是爱在风中随心地开放,让更多的蝶恋花、蜂采蜜,为之飘零也不忧伤。
- Huahua’s family supports many aphides, which eat flowers and plants.They gather honey that aphides produce. 原来,花花家族养了很多的蚜虫,蚜虫吃花园里的花草,而它们收集蚜虫排出的蜜露来吃。
- Bees instinctually know how to gather honey to weave their hives with wax and sugar to lay their eggs only to produce more bees. 蜜蜂本能知道如何收集蜂蜜来用蜡和糖编织蜂房,好产卵以孵化出更多的蜜蜂。
- If you wish to obtain sweetness, turn yourself into a bee gathering honey in the pistils; if you want to become clever, turn yourself into a fish swimming freely in the sea of books. 如果你想得到甜蜜,就将自己变成蜜蜂,到花蕊中去采撷;如果你想变得聪颖,就将自己变成一只鱼,遨游于书的海洋里。
- Bees gather honey from flowers. 蜜蜂从花上采蜜。
- A beekeeper, noticing that the bee gathers pollen and brings it to the hive, says that the object of the bee is to gather honey. 养蜂人看到蜜蜂采集花粉和蜜汁带回蜂房,于是就说,蜜蜂的目的是要采蜜。
- He gathered honey for her from the flowers, and as she sipped it, he sat near and told her how beautiful she looked. 突然一只很大的金龟子嗡嗡嗡飞过。哎呀,他看到了她。他飞向她,用爪子抓住她纤细的腰,把她带到一棵树上去了。
- As a bee gathers honey from the flower without injuring its color or fragrance, even so the sage goes on his alms-round in the village. 如蜜蜂采花粉时,不损伤花朵,亦不损伤其色及香味,只取其蜜,而后飞走。且让智者同样(不损害到村民的信心及财富)地在村子里活动。
- Verse 49. The bee gathers honey without injuring the scent or the colour of the flower. So should a silent one (Muni) live his life. 如蜜蜂采花粉时,不损伤花朵,亦不损伤其色及香味,只取其蜜,而后飞走。且让圣者同样(不损害到村民的信心及财富)地在村子里活动。
- Slide 4: Verse 49. The bee gathers honey without injuring the scent or the colour of the flower. So should a silent one (Muni) live his life. 如蜜蜂采花粉时,不损伤花朵,亦不损伤其色及香味,只取其蜜,而后飞走。且让圣者同样(不损害到村民的信心及财富)地在村子里活动。
- The typhoon is gathering strength. 台风的风力正逐渐增强。
- We are invited to a small social gathering. 我们被邀请参加一个小型社交聚会。
- Honey, come here and give me your help! 宝贝,到这来帮帮我!
- Gather them and tie them in a knot. 把它们收集起来打成一个结。
- Gathering sticks, we made a fire. 我们收集枯枝生火。
- My briefcase was beginning to gather dust. 我的手提箱不怎么使用了。