- Gather them and tie them in a knot. 把它们收集起来打成一个结。
- My briefcase was beginning to gather dust. 我的手提箱不怎么使用了。
- I gather his past life was not altogether savoury. 我猜想他过去的生活并非十分正派。
- The farmer paid 3 laborers to gather the crop. 农场主雇佣3名工人收割庄稼。
- I gather she's ill, and that's why she hasn't come. 我想她是病了,所以没有来。
- The farmer paid 3 labourers to gather the crop. 农场主雇佣3名工人收割庄稼。
- The sheriff ordered the policemen to gather. 警察局长命令警察集合。
- I gather from his words that he is angry. 我从他的话里听出来他生气了。
- A gang of perverts often gather in this bar. 一帮性变态者经常在那个酒吧聚集。
- I gather that he is the one in charge. 我猜想他是负责的人。
- The colonel ordered their soldiers to gather on the deck. 上校命令士兵们在甲板上集合。
- I needed time to gather my wits before seeing him again. 我需要先镇定一下才能再次见他。
- Flowers are often fertilized by bees as they gather nectar. 蜜蜂采蜜时常使花受粉。
- Gather round (ie Form a group round me) and listen, children! 孩子们,围拢过来听我说!
- I need some time to get my stuffs gogether. 我需要一点时间把我的资料整理一下。
- The villagers started to gather in front of the mosque. 村民们开始在回教寺院前聚集。
- Those who are going camping please gather at the gate. 要去露营的人请在大门口集合。
- I gather a lot of political infighting go on before he get the top job. 我看他一定经历了政治上诸多明争暗斗才获此高位。
- After the storm she gather a basketful of windfall in the apple orchard. 风暴过後,她从苹果园地上拣了满满一篮子苹果。
- Birds gather in large numbers beside the river. 鸟儿一群群地聚在河边。