- Gate Tower access to, we see Maitreya I meet smile. 进入门楼,便见弥勒佛笑口相迎。
- Two temples are independent quadrangle , jade emperor hall is the type of gate tower, Wei type grand sight. 两寺均为独立的四合院,玉皇殿为城楼式,蔚式壮观。
- It comprises eight domestic units, pig pens, an open courtyard and an entrance gate tower. 村内建有8间房舍、一些猪栏,以及一个晒场和入口更楼。
- It comprises eight domestic units,pig pens,an open courtyard and an entrance gate tower. 村内建有8间房舍、一些猪栏,以及一个晒场和入口更楼。
- Each gate tower of the city wall and each pailou (decorated archway) can be seen from afar. 每一个城楼,每一个牌楼,都可以从老远就看见。
- Battle logs are laid over the city gate tower in order to prevent enimies from attacking the city. 城楼上摆满了滚木,为的是防止敌军攻城。
- Seeing the mountain scenery from the city gate tower, I suddenly heard a hubbub in the city. 我正在城楼上观山景, 忽然听见城下乱纷纷。
- The cornice raise the beam mountain elder brother of one's father temple of Cape, from gate tower, main temple, empress the palace constitute. 飞檐翘角的梁山伯庙,由门楼、正殿、后殿组成。
- The external walls of this subway stop were featured by photo ceramic tiles, which were based on the real old photos of the former gate tower of Chongwenmen and the former railway station of Beijing. 该站地上建筑外立面瓷砖根据老崇文门城楼和老火车站实景照片烧制,既展现出老北京风情,又使人们回忆起历史变迁。
- The character is the kaishu, and writes with firm strokes, the style of it with the gate tower make one integrated mass, therefore it might be called grandness article since ancient and now. 字为楷书,笔力苍劲浑厚,与城楼风格浑然一体,堪称古今巨作。
- The Ancient Gate Tower and the Concerning Problems 古代阙门及相关问题
- Don't Enter Mo's Ghost Gate Tower 不进莫家鬼门楼
- East gate tower over a city gate 东门城楼
- Gate Tower of Presidential Palace 总统府门楼
- a tower over a city gate; gate tower 城楼
- The positions that a kind of gate towes locating in the tombs, the moral, the Fusi between the two gate towers and the basso-relievo contents on it have been discussed. 本文依据已发表的考古学资料,对河南出土的汉代陶阙进行了分类分期研究,并对其中一类陶阙在汉墓中的位置、寓意、双阙中间的“罘罳”及其上面的浮雕像内容进行了探讨。
- A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter. 一个男子打扮成樵夫的模样出现在城堡的门口。
- The bell tower is the emblem of this city. 这座钟楼是这个城市的象征。
- There is a sonorous bell in the tower. 塔里有一口洪亮的钟。
- Did you remember to padlock the gate? 你是否记得用挂锁把大门锁上?